Managing processes

After you finish designing your process, you can use the Applications view to manage the process.

Note: Use the Processes view to manage processes created in LiveCycle ES (8.x). Use the Applications view to manage processes created in LiveCycle ES2 (9.x).

Opening and closing processes

Open a process to view or edit from the Applications view. (See Editing and viewing assets .) When you open a process, the associated process diagram opens in a process editor. You can only open processes that are in your local view.

What you can do with a process depends on whether it is checked out (See Checking out applications or assets .):

  • When the process is not checked out, you cannot save modifications to the process variables, process diagram, or process properties. You can save the process with a different name. It is possible for other developers to edit a process while you are viewing it.

  • When the process is checked out, you can save modifications to the process variables, process diagram, and process properties. The process is locked, and other users can change it only when the force a checkout.

Open the process:

In the Applications view, right-click the name of the process and select Open.

Close the process:

In the process editor, click Close. If you did not saved the process, you are prompted to save it.

Saving processes

When you save the process, the changes are saved to the local disk only. To save process changes to the server, check the process into the repository. (See Checking in applications or assets .)

Under the following circumstances, you are prompted to update configuration parameter properties on the AEM forms Server:

  • The application containing the process is deployed.

  • The process includes one or more configuration parameters whose default values are different from the server values.

Under these circumstances, when you save the process, you need to indicate whether to update the server with the current default values.

When you update the properties on the server, the following changes are made:

  • Parameter types and default values are changed to the types and values that are configured in the Variables view.

  • New configuration parameters are added to the server

  • Deleted parameters are removed from the server.

Save the process to local disk:

  1. In the toolbar, click Save  .

  2. If a Warning dialog box appears, specify whether to update the configuration parameter properties on the AEM forms Server:

    • To update the properties, select Replace Configuration Parameter Values on the AEM forms Server.

    • To keep the properties on the server unchanged, deselect Replace Configuration Parameter Values on the AEM forms Server.

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