Modifying processes

You can modify an existing process. First check out the process, then open it and modify as required. You can also modify the properties of your process. For example, you can modify the image associated with the process version, transaction settings, or registered prefixes for namespaces and XPath expressions in the process. Processes that are no longer required can be deleted from the application.

You can modify a process that was invoked and has process instances associated with it. When you change a deployed process, the changes are implemented after you redeploy the application. Existing and new process instances associated with the process will progress according to the latest changes. Use caution when changing an activated process. Some changes can cause existing process instances to stall. For example, if you remove variables that are referenced in XPath expressions, when the XPath expression is executed, the process instance will stall.

Change process properties

Change process properties in the Configure Process dialog box. Before you open this dialog box, check out the process to make the fields writable. If you open the Configure Process dialog box for a process that is not checked out, you can view the properties of the process but you cannot change them.

If you do not check out a process before you start editing it, Workbench will prompt you to check it out once you start making changes in the process.

Change process properties:

  1. In the Applications view, right-click the process name and select Check Out.

  2. Right-click the process name again and select Configure.

  3. On the General tab, specify or change the following information, as required:

    Title: The title of the process as it appears in the Start Process area of Workspace.

    Description: A short text that describes the process.

    Process Image: The image that is associated with the process. This image is displayed in the process cards within Workspace. The image formats that are supported are JPG and PNG. Click the Reset to Default  button to disassociate an image from the process. Click the Browse  button to navigate to and select an image file, and then click Open.

  4. Click the Advanced tab.

  5. (Optional) In the Type list, select one of these options:

    long-lived : Specifies to store information about process instances in the database.

    short-lived : Specifies to not store information about process instances in the database. Processes are short-lived by default. (See Short-lived processes and long-lived processes .)

  6. (Optional) In the Propagation list, select one of the following propagation contexts to specify how a transaction context is propagated:

    Note: The Propagation list is available only if you selected short-lived in step 5.

    MANDATORY : Supports a transaction context if one exists. An exception occurs if a transaction context does not exist.

    NEVER : Always executes without a transaction context. An exception occurs if an active transaction context exists.

    NOT SUPPORTED : Does not support execution with an active transaction context. Always executes without a transaction context. If an active transaction context exists, it is suspended.

    REQUIRED : Supports a transaction context if one exists; otherwise, a new transaction context is created.

    REQUIRES NEW : Always creates a transaction context. If an active transaction context exists, it is suspended. This value is the default.

    SUPPORTS : Supports a transaction context if one exists; otherwise, executes without a transaction context.

  7. (Optional) In the Timeout area, which is available only if you selected short-lived in step 5, select one of these time-out options:

    Default : Specifies to use the application server’s transaction time-out setting.

    Number Of Seconds : Specifies to wait the number of seconds specified before rolling back a transaction.

  8. (Optional) To add a new registered prefix to a namespace URI, perform these tasks (see Creating data schemas for event data and event message data ):

    • In the Registered Prefixes For Namespaces Used In XPaths area, click Add A List Entry  .

    • In the Prefix column, select [Prefix] and type a prefix.

    • In the NamespaceURI column, select [Namespace] and type the name of the namespace URI.

  9. (Optional) To remove an existing registered prefix that is assigned to a namespace URI, select the prefix and click Delete Selected List Entry  .

  10. Click OK and then select File >Save to save the properties of the process.

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