Package com.adobe.livecycle.generatepdf.client

The com.adobe.livecycle.generatepdf.client package provides support for creating PDF documents from native files and URLs, as well as converting PDF documents to other formats.


Class Summary
ConvertPDFFormatType An enumeration class that represents the target file formats to which the PDF document can be converted.
CreatePDFResult Provides methods for getting the PDF document and log that is created by some of the methods in this package.
ExportPDFResult Provides a method for getting the PDF document produced by the exportPDF method.
GeneratePdfServiceClient Provides methods for creating PDF documents from other file types, for converting PDF documents to other file types, and for optimizing PDF documents.
HtmlToPdfResult Provides methods for getting the resulting PDF document and log created by the htmlToPDF method.
OptimizePDFResult Provides a method for getting the result of the optimizePDF method.

Exception Summary
ConversionException Represents an exception that is thrown if a conversion failed because of an underlying exception.
FileFormatNotSupportedException Represesnts an exception that is raised if a given file format is not supported.
InvalidParameterException Represents an exception that is thrown when a given parameter is not valid.

Package com.adobe.livecycle.generatepdf.client Description

The com.adobe.livecycle.generatepdf.client package provides support for creating PDF documents from native files and URLs, as well as converting PDF documents to other formats.

You can use this package to create Java client applications that interact with Distiller or Generate PDF. This package enables you to implement in your custom applications the functionality that the Distiller and Generate PDF services provide.

For more information about how to use this package, see the Distiller Converting PostScript to PDF Documents guide or the Converting Between Different File Formats and PDF Documents guide.

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