Package com.adobe.livecycle.ibmfilenetcontentrepositoryconnector.client

The com.adobe.livecycle.ibmfilenetcontentrepositoryconnector.client package provides client classes for the IBM FileNet Content Repository service.


Interface Summary
IIBMFileNetContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient IBM FileNet Content Repository Connector service client interface: This interface contains all methods that can be invoked on the service using the service client

Class Summary
ComponentConstants Constants for IBM FileNet Connector
IBMFileNetContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient The IBMFileNetContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient class enables you to create a Java object that can invoke operations supported by the IBM FileNet Content Repository Connector service.

Package com.adobe.livecycle.ibmfilenetcontentrepositoryconnector.client Description

The com.adobe.livecycle.ibmfilenetcontentrepositoryconnector.client package provides client classes for the IBM FileNet Content Repository service.

You can use this package to create Java client applications that interact with IBM FileNet Repository. This package enables you to implement, in your custom applications, the functionality that this service provides.

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