org.osmf.metadata 套件包含支援使用中繼資料的類別。
- 可以插入、更新、查詢以及刪除中繼資料。
- 支援不同格式的中繼資料,例如名稱值配對。
- 媒體資源的基本中繼資料,例如媒體類型和 MIME 類型,提供提示讓資源處理常式判斷是否可以處理媒體。
| 類別 | 說明 |
| CuePoint |
The CuePoint class represents a cue point in the timeline of a media
element. |
| CuePointType |
CuePointType is the enumeration of possible types of CuePoint objects. |
| Metadata |
The Metadata class encapsulates a related collection of metadata. |
| TimelineMarker |
The TimelineMarker class represents an individual marker in the timeline
of a MediaElement. |
| TimelineMetadata |
The TimelineMetadata class encapsulates metadata associated with the
timeline of a MediaElement. |
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