用于 Adobe® Flash® Platform 的 ActionScript® 3.0 参考
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lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint 包中包含为支持和操作任务(如启动进程)的类别和端点提供用户界面的类和组件。此包中的类和组件对于自定义 Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform - Workspace 以及使用 Flex 构建需要与 Workspace 中的启动进程组件功能相似的功能的应用程序非常有用。

 StartpointCardRendererThe StartpointCardRenderer component represents an startpoint object.
 StartpointCardRendererModel The StartpointCardRendererModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointCardRenderer component.
 StartpointDetailsThe StartpointDetails component represents the information on a process card.
 StartpointDetailsModel The StartpointDetailsModel class provides support for the views that are interested in StartpointDetails component.
 StartpointEvent The StartpointEvent class contains events that are dispatched when a user performs an action against an startpoint.
 StartpointGridSelectorThe StartpointGridSelector component displays a collection of startpoints in a data grid.
 StartpointGridSelectorModel The StartpointGridSelectorModel class acts as the presentation model for the StartpointGridSelector component.
 StartpointTileList The StartpointTileList component is configured to use the StartpointCardRenderer component to display startpoints in a grid, as well as pass on relevant events from the renderer.
 StartProcessThe StartProcess component is the primary component that enables a user to navigate between different categories of forms to start a process.
 StartProcessBase For internal use only.
 StartProcessModel The StartProcessModel class acts as the model for the StartProcess component.

[ X ]为什么显示为英语?
《ActionScript 3.0 参考》中的内容以英语显示

《ActionScript 3.0 参考》中的部分内容未翻译成所有语言。当某个语言元素未翻译时,将显示为英语。例如,ga.controls.HelpBox 类未翻译成任何语言。因此在简体中文版的参考中,ga.controls.HelpBox 类显示为英语。