用于 Adobe® Flash® Platform 的 ActionScript® 3.0 参考
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lc.procmgmt 包中包含用于使用 Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Process Management 功能的类和实现。这些类对于实现与 Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 使用相同的进程管理功能的自定义用户界面非常有用。

 IFavoritesManager The IFavoritesManager interface is implemented to manage favorite TaskManager startpoints.
 IProcessManager The IProcessManager interface is implemented to determine the list of processes that the user has participated in.
 IQueueManager The IQueueManager interface is implemented to manage Queue objects.
 IStartpointManager The IStartpointManager interface is implemented to manage TaskManager startpoints.
 ITaskManager The ITaskManager interface contains methods and properties to retrieve and manage tasks.
 AssignmentConstants The AssignmentConstants class holds constants for the Assignment class assignmentType property.
 AuthenticatingApplication The AuthenticatingApplication class handles the loading localized resources based on the browser language, authentication, and other initialization activities.
 ProcessConstants The ProcessConstants class holds constants for the Process class's status property.
 QueueConstants The QueueConstants class holds constants for the Queue class type and filter properties.
 TaskConstants The TaskConstants class holds constants for the Task class status and priority properties.

[ X ]为什么显示为英语?
《ActionScript 3.0 参考》中的内容以英语显示

《ActionScript 3.0 参考》中的部分内容未翻译成所有语言。当某个语言元素未翻译时,将显示为英语。例如,ga.controls.HelpBox 类未翻译成任何语言。因此在简体中文版的参考中,ga.controls.HelpBox 类显示为英语。