包中包含可为平铺开发人员提供帮助的常量。其中包括应用程序常量,这些常量提供的值指示应用程序及其生命周期的当前状态。目录常量是一些提供目录状态的值;框架常量为 Composite Application Framework 中的当前管理器提供值;服务器常量提供有关服务器状态和客户端连接的信息。
| 类 | 说明 |
| ApplicationConstants |
The ApplicationConstants provides constants to indicate the current
status of an Application in its lifecycle. |
| CatalogConstants |
The CatalogConstants provides constants to indicate the current
status of a Catalog in its client-server lifecycle. |
| FrameworkConstants |
The FrameworkConstants provides constants to indicate various
IManagers that map to specific implementations retrievable from the IClientFramework's
acquireManager method. |
| ServerConstants |
The ServerConstants provides constants to indicate the current
status of a Server in its lifecycle and connection status to the client. |
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