用于 Adobe® Flash® Platform 的 ActionScript® 3.0 参考
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com.adobe.mosaic.layouts 包中包含一组基于 spark 的布局,这些布局可用于在复合应用程序语言 (CADL) 中或在外观中创建自定义显示。

 ILayoutChild Components that are used with the SmartGridLayout, SmartColumnLayout, and SmartRowLayout, should implement this interface.
 FlowLayout The Flow layout arranges the children of its target group one after the other until no more can fit across (or down).
 LayoutEvent The LayoutEvent is used to instruct layouts (or their targets) to handle special requests.
 MosaicLayoutBase The MosaicLayoutBase component is the base class for most composite application layouts, such as FlowLayout and SmartGridLayout.
 SmartColumnLayout The SmartColumnLayout place's its target Group's children into a fixed set of columns determined by numColumns which defaults to 3.
 SmartGridLayout The SmartGridLayout places its target Group's children into a grid pattern, but with a twist.
 SmartRowLayout The SmartRowLayout place's its target Group's children into a fixed set of rows determined by numRows which defaults to 3.
 StackLayout The StackLayout presents only one child at a time, with the child filling up the entire space alloted to the StackLayout.

[ X ]为什么显示为英语?
《ActionScript 3.0 参考》中的内容以英语显示

《ActionScript 3.0 参考》中的部分内容未翻译成所有语言。当某个语言元素未翻译时,将显示为英语。例如,ga.controls.HelpBox 类未翻译成任何语言。因此在简体中文版的参考中,ga.controls.HelpBox 类显示为英语。