paketi Spark mobil dış görünüm sınıfları tarafından kullanılan destek sınıflarını içerir.
Sınıf | Açıklama | |
ActionBarButtonSkinBase | Base skin class for ActionBar buttons in mobile applications. | |
ButtonBarButtonClassFactory | Adds skinClass style support to ClassFactory. | |
ButtonBarButtonSkinBase | ButtonBarButton skin base class. | |
ButtonSkinBase | ActionScript-based skin for mobile applications. | |
CalloutArrow | The arrow skin part for CalloutSkin. | |
HSliderDataTip | HSlider dataTip component for HSlider in mobile applications. | |
MobileSkin | ActionScript-based skin for mobile applications. | |
SelectableButtonSkinBase | ActionScript-based skin for toggle buttons. | |
StageTextSkinBase | ActionScript-based skin for text input controls in mobile applications. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarHorizontalLayout | The TabbedViewNavigatorButtonBarHorizontalLayout class is a layout specifically designed for the TabbedViewNavigator. | |
TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarTabSkinBase | ButtonBarButton skin base class for TabbedViewNavigator ButtonBarButtons. | |
TextSkinBase | ActionScript-based skin for text input controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableTextField class for the text display. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:23 PM Z