Paket | |
Sınıf | public class SwfAppEvent |
Miras Alma | SwfAppEvent ![]() ![]() |
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
event is used to communicate between an application built with Flex
(Flex application and Workspace).
Özellik | Tanımlayan: | ||
![]() | bubbles : Boolean [salt okunur]
Bir olayın köpüren bir olay olup olmadığını belirtir. | Event | |
![]() | cancelable : Boolean [salt okunur]
Olayla ilişkilendirilmiş davranışın önlenebilir olup olmadığını gösterir. | Event | |
![]() | constructor : Object
Belirli bir nesne örneği için sınıf nesnesine veya yapıcı işlevine bir başvuru. | Object | |
![]() | currentTarget : Object [salt okunur]
Bu Event nesnesini olay dinleyicisiyle etkin olarak işleyen nesne. | Event | |
![]() | eventPhase : uint [salt okunur]
Olay akışındaki geçerli aşama. | Event | |
![]() | target : Object [salt okunur]
Olay hedefi. | Event | |
![]() | type : String [salt okunur]
Olay türü. | Event |
Yöntem | Tanımlayan: | ||
Constructor. | SwfAppEvent | ||
![]() |
Event alt sınıfının bir örneğini çoğaltır. | Event | |
![]() |
Özel ActionScript 3.0 Event sınıfınızdaki toString() yöntemini uygulamak için bir yardımcı işlev. | Event | |
![]() |
Bir nesnenin belirli bir özelliğinin tanımlı olup olmadığını gösterir. | Object | |
![]() |
Olayda preventDefault() öğesinin çağrılmış olup olmadığını kontrol eder. | Event | |
![]() |
Object sınıfının bir örneğinin parametre olarak belirtilen nesnenin prototip zincirinde olup olmadığını gösterir. | Object | |
![]() |
Bir olayın varsayılan davranışını, bu yapılabiliyorsa iptal eder. | Event | |
![]() |
Belirtilen özelliğin bulunup bulunmadığını ve numaralandırılabilir olup olmadığını gösterir. | Object | |
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Dinamik bir özelliğin döngü işlemlerinde kullanılabilirliğini ayarlar. | Object | |
![]() |
Olay akışında geçerli düğümdeki ve ondan sonra gelen düğümlerdeki olay dinleyicilerin işlenmesini engeller. | Event | |
![]() |
Olay akışında geçerli düğümden sonra gelen düğümlerdeki olay dinleyicilerin işlenmesini engeller. | Event | |
![]() |
Bu nesnenin, yerel ayara özel kurallara göre biçimlendirilmiş dize temsilini döndürür. | Object | |
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Event nesnesinin tüm özelliklerini içeren bir dize döndürülür. | Event | |
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Belirtilen nesnenin temel değerini döndürür. | Object |
Sabit | Tanımlayan: | ||
CLOSE : String = "close" [statik]
A special value that specifies to close the Flex application. | SwfAppEvent | ||
FULL_SCREEN : String = "maximize" [statik]
A special value that specifies to display the Flex application in full screen mode. | SwfAppEvent | ||
HIDE_ALL_CONTAINER_VIEWS : String = "hideAllContainerViews" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide all views except for the Flex application itself. | SwfAppEvent | ||
HIDE_ATTACHMENTS_VIEW : String = "hideAttachmentsView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Attachments view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
HIDE_AUDIT_VIEW : String = "hideAuditView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Audit view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
HIDE_DIRECTIVES_VIEW : String = "hideDirectivesView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Directives view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
HIDE_TASK_DETAILS_VIEW : String = "hideTaskDetailsView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Details view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
HIDE_TASK_FORM_VIEW : String = "hideFormView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Form view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
MINIMIZE_SCREEN : String = "minimize" [statik]
A special value that specifies to display the Flex application in normal screen mode, instead of fullscreen mode. | SwfAppEvent | ||
SHOW_ATTACHMENTS_VIEW : String = "showAttachmentsView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Attachments view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
SHOW_AUDIT_VIEW : String = "showAuditView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Audit view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
SHOW_DIRECTIVES_VIEW : String = "showDirectivesView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Directives view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
SHOW_TASK_DETAILS_VIEW : String = "showTaskDetailsView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex applicatin to display the Task Details view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
SHOW_TASK_FORM_VIEW : String = "showFormView" [statik]
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display Task Form view. | SwfAppEvent | ||
UNLOAD : String = "unload" [statik]
A special value that specifies to unload the Flex application. | SwfAppEvent |
SwfAppEvent | () | Yapıcı |
public function SwfAppEvent(type:String)
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Parametrelertype:String — Specifies the type of event to create. You can use an event type defined
in this class, such as hideTaskDetailsView.
CLOSE | Sabit |
public static const CLOSE:String = "close"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to close the Flex application.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const FULL_SCREEN:String = "maximize"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to display the Flex application in full screen mode.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const HIDE_ALL_CONTAINER_VIEWS:String = "hideAllContainerViews"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide all views except for the Flex application itself.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const HIDE_ATTACHMENTS_VIEW:String = "hideAttachmentsView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Attachments view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const HIDE_AUDIT_VIEW:String = "hideAuditView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Audit view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const HIDE_DIRECTIVES_VIEW:String = "hideDirectivesView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Directives view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const HIDE_TASK_DETAILS_VIEW:String = "hideTaskDetailsView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Details view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const HIDE_TASK_FORM_VIEW:String = "hideFormView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to hide the Task Form view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const MINIMIZE_SCREEN:String = "minimize"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to display the Flex application in normal screen mode, instead of fullscreen mode.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const SHOW_ATTACHMENTS_VIEW:String = "showAttachmentsView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Attachments view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const SHOW_AUDIT_VIEW:String = "showAuditView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Audit view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const SHOW_DIRECTIVES_VIEW:String = "showDirectivesView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display the Task Directives view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const SHOW_TASK_DETAILS_VIEW:String = "showTaskDetailsView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex applicatin to display the Task Details view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
public static const SHOW_TASK_FORM_VIEW:String = "showFormView"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to the Flex application to display Task Form view.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
UNLOAD | Sabit |
public static const UNLOAD:String = "unload"
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace 9 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
A special value that specifies to unload the Flex application.
The properties of the Event
object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | True |
cancelable | False; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
target | The object that dispatched the event;
use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:09 PM Z