paketi Experience Server için güvenliği işlemeye yönelik arabirim sınıflarını içerir. Sınıflar Flex uygulamalarının Experience Server'da Core Security hizmeti ile kullanıcı kimlik doğrulaması gerçekleştirmesine, kullanıcı ayrıntılarını ve ilgili işlemleri belirlemesine izin verir.
| Arabirim | Açıklama |
| IAuthResult |
The AuthResult object is returned as part of calls to perform Single Sign On (SSO) and login methods of
ISecurityManager service. |
| IPin |
An IPin object is a type of ticket which can be used to authenticate a user in remote call. |
| ISecurityManager |
The ISecurityManager interface provides methods to perform user authentication. |
| ISession |
The ISession class defines the interfaces to access user-related states, such as a security ticket. |
| ITicket |
A ticket can be used to authenticate the user while making remote calls. |
| IUser |
The IUser interface provides read-access to a user's attributes,
and offers basic support for authorization checking. |
| Sınıf | Açıklama |
| AuthenticationEvent |
AuthenticationEvent objects are dispatched by the ISecurityManager class when an authentication
related operation is performed. |
| AuthFailureCode |
Defines constants that define possible causes related to an authentication failure. |
| AuthOptions |
The AuthOptions class captures the authentication options. |
| AuthStatus |
Defines the constants for various types of authentication status. |
| SecurityConfig |
The SecurityConfig classcaptures the required configuration required for the security client library to function. |
| TicketType |
The TicketType class defines the type of an ITicket object. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:23 PM Z