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ISecurityManager  - AS3 ADEP Security
Arabirimpublic interface ISecurityManager extends IEventDispatcher
Uygulayıcılar SecurityManager

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

The ISecurityManager interface provides methods to perform user authentication. The class also provides access to the current user instance.

Genel Özellikler
  currentUser : IUser
[salt okunur] Current logged in user instance.
Genel Yöntemler
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
EventDispatcher nesnesi olan bir olay dinleyici nesnesini, dinleyicinin bir olayın bildirimini alması için kaydeder.
Configures the ISecurityManager instance with the provided configuration information.
Olay akışına bir olay gönderir.
Returns a ticket for the current user.
EventDispatcher nesnesinin belirli bir olay türü için kayıtlı dinleyicisi olup olmadığını kontrol eder.
Perform authentication with the provided username and password.
Logs out the current user.
Initiates the call to perform Authentication for the current user.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
EventDispatcher nesnesinden bir dinleyiciyi kaldırır.
Bir olay dinleyicisinin bu EventDispatcher nesnesiyle mi, yoksa onun belirtilen olay türüne yönelik üst öğelerinden biriyle mi kayıtlı olduğunu kontrol eder.
 Olay Özet Tanımlayan:
  The event is dispatched after the authentication process has completed successfully.ISecurityManager
  The event is dispatched when authentication is required.ISecurityManager
  The event is dispatched when an authentication attempt fails.ISecurityManager
  The event is dispatched after a user has been logged out.ISecurityManager
Özellik Ayrıntısı


currentUser:IUser  [salt okunur]

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Current logged in user instance. The value is never a null value.

Bu özellik veri ciltleme kaynağı olarak kullanılabilir. Bu özellik değiştirildiğinde, propertyChange olayını gönderir.

    public function get currentUser():IUser
Yöntem Ayrıntısı


public function configure(securityConfig:SecurityConfig):void

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Configures the ISecurityManager instance with the provided configuration information.


securityConfig:SecurityConfig — Specifies the initial configuration for the SecurityManager service.


public function getTicket():com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Returns a ticket for the current user.

Depending on the server setup the ticket can be of type TicketType.SHORT_TICKET or TicketType.PIN. In any case the ticket value would be suitable for use as part of GET request. This method should be used to obtain a ticket for performing authentication in case of file uploads.

In case if TicketType is PIN then client might make a remote call to server to initialize the pin or in case of expired pin get a new pin issued.

com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken — If the call is successful then an instance of ITicket would be passed to the result handler.

İlgili API Öğeleri


public function login(username:String, password:String, options:AuthOptions = null):com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Perform authentication with the provided username and password. This method is invoked when the IAuthResult.status obtained from the performSSO property is a value of AuthStatus.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED or AuthStatus.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED.


username:String — Specifies the user identifier of the user.
password:String — Specifies password of the user.
options:AuthOptions (default = null) — (Optional)Specifies attributes to control how authentication is performed.

com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken — If the call is successful then an instance of IAuthResult would be passed to the result handler.

İlgili API Öğeleri


public function logout():com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Logs out the current user.

com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken — If the call is successful then an instance of IAuthResult would be passed to the result handler.


public function performSSO(options:AuthOptions = null):com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Initiates the call to perform Authentication for the current user.


options:AuthOptions (default = null) — (Optional) Specifies an AuthOption instance to control how the authentication is performed.

com.adobe.gravity.utility.async:IToken — A token used to set success and failure handler to be called when the operation is completed. If the call was successful, then an IAuthResult object is passed to the result handler.
Olay Ayrıntısı


Olay Nesne Türü:
özellik AuthenticationEvent.type =

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

The event is dispatched after the authentication process has completed successfully.

A special value that indicates that the authentication process was successful. Authentication can be completed using single sign-on (SSO) or a username and password. As a response to this event the application can show the welcome page to the user. An application can validate for permissions and roles to further verify the user is allowed access. As a response to this event, an application would do complete the validation and then display the welcome page.


Olay Nesne Türü:
özellik AuthenticationEvent.type =

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

The event is dispatched when authentication is required. Authentication is required when an application starts and then detects that user identity is not known and the user has to authenticate.

A special value that indicates the type of event that is dispatched when authentication using single sign-on (SSO) fails. When SSO fails, the user's username and password is required for authentication. As a response to this event, an application can display the login page to the user.


Olay Nesne Türü:
özellik AuthenticationEvent.type =

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

The event is dispatched when an authentication attempt fails.

A special value that indicates the type of event that is dispatched when authentication fails using the username and password. As a response to this type of event, an application can show an error message to the user. This event would only happen when authentication is done using username and password and NOT in single sign-on scenario.


Olay Nesne Türü:
özellik AuthenticationEvent.type =

Dil Sürümü: ActionScript 3.0
Ürün Sürümü: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Security 10
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

The event is dispatched after a user has been logged out.

A special value that indicates the type of event that is dispatched a user logs off. As a response to this event, an application can display the logout page. The logout page can inform the user that he has been logged out. Alternatively, an application can display the login page to the user.

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