Naslaggids voor Adobe ActionScript® 3.0 voor het Adobe® Flash®-platform
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Het pakket bevat de basisklassen die worden gebruikt door mobiele skinklassen voor Spark.

 ActionBarSkin     The default skin class for the Spark ActionBar component in mobile applications.
 BeveledActionButtonSkin iOS-styled ActionBar Button skin for use in the actionContent skinPart.
 BeveledBackButtonSkin iOS-styled ActionBar Button skin for use in the navigationContent skinPart.
 ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin Button skin for the first Button in a ButtonBar.
 ButtonBarLastButtonSkin Button skin for the last Button in a ButtonBar.
 ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin Button skin for middle Buttons in a ButtonBar.
 ButtonBarSkin The default skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component.
 ButtonSkin ActionScript-based skin for Button controls in mobile applications.
 CalloutActionBarSkin     Additional skin class for the Spark ActionBar component for use with a ViewNavigator inside a Callout component.
 CalloutSkin     The default skin class for the Spark Callout component in mobile applications.
 CalloutViewNavigatorSkin     The ActionScript-based skin for view navigators inside a callout.
 CheckBoxSkin ActionScript-based skin for CheckBox components in mobile applications.
 DateSpinnerSkin     ActionScript-based skin for the DateSpinner in mobile applications.
 DefaultBeveledActionButtonSkin     Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor.
 DefaultBeveledBackButtonSkin     Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor.
 DefaultButtonSkin Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor.
 DefaultTransparentActionButtonSkin     Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor.
 DefaultTransparentNavigationButtonSkin     Emphasized button uses accentColor instead of chromeColor.
 HScrollBarSkin ActionScript-based skin for HScrollBar components in mobile applications.
 HScrollBarThumbSkin ActionScript-based skin for the HScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications.
 HSliderSkin ActionScript-based skin for HSlider controls in mobile applications.
 HSliderThumbSkin ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider thumb skin part in mobile applications.
 HSliderTrackSkin ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider track skin part in mobile applications.
 ImageSkin ActionScript-based skin for the Image component in mobile applications.
 ListSkin ActionScript-based skin for the List components in mobile applications.
 RadioButtonSkin ActionScript-based skin for RadioButton controls in mobile applications.
 SkinnableContainerSkin ActionScript-based skin for SkinnableContainer in mobile applications.
 SpinnerListContainerSkin     ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerListContainer in mobile applications.
 SpinnerListScrollerSkin    The default skin class for the Spark Scroller that is used by the SpinnerList component.
 SpinnerListSkin     ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerList in mobile applications.
 SplitViewNavigatorSkin     The default skin for the SplitViewNavigator component.
 StageTextAreaSkin     ActionScript-based skin for TextArea controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableStageText class for the text display.
 StageTextInputSkin     ActionScript-based skin for TextInput controls in mobile applications that uses a StyleableStageText class for the text input.
 TabbedViewNavigatorApplicationSkin     The ActionScript-based skin used for TabbedViewNavigatorApplication.
 TabbedViewNavigatorSkin     The ActionScript-based skin used for TabbedViewNavigator components.
 TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarFirstTabSkin Skin for the left-most button in the TabbedViewNavigator ButtonBar skin part.
 TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarLastTabSkin Skin for used for middle and the right-most ButtonBarButton in the TabbedViewNavigator ButtonBar skin.
 TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarSkin The default skin class for the Spark TabbedViewNavigator tabBar skin part.
 TextAreaHScrollBarSkin The default skin class for the Spark TextAreaHScrollBar component in mobile applications.
 TextAreaHScrollBarThumbSkin     The ActionScript-based skin used for TextAreaHScrollBarThumb components in mobile applications.
 TextAreaSkin ActionScript-based skin for TextArea components in mobile applications.
 TextAreaVScrollBarSkin ActionScript-based skin for TextAreaVScrollBar components in mobile applications.
 TextAreaVScrollBarThumbSkin     The ActionScript-based skin used for TextAreaHScrollBarThumb components in mobile applications.
 TextInputSkin ActionScript-based skin for TextInput controls in mobile applications.
 ToggleSwitchSkin     ActionScript-based skin for the ToggleSwitch control.
 TransparentActionButtonSkin     The default skin class for buttons in the action area of the Spark ActionBar component in mobile applications.
 TransparentNavigationButtonSkin     The default skin class for buttons in the navigation area of the Spark ActionBar component in mobile applications.
 ViewMenuItemSkin Default skin for ViewMenuItem.
 ViewMenuSkinThe default skin class for a Spark ViewMenu in a mobile application.
 ViewNavigatorApplicationSkin     The ActionScript-based skin used for ViewNavigatorApplication.
 ViewNavigatorSkin     The ActionScript-based skin for view navigators in mobile applications.
 VScrollBarSkin ActionScript-based skin for VScrollBar components in mobile applications.
 VScrollBarThumbSkin ActionScript-based skin for the VScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications.

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