Het pakket mx.data.events bevat de gebeurtenisklassen die worden gebruikt met Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE.
| Klasse | Beschrijving |
| DataConflictEvent |
The DataConflictEvent class represents an event that
informs users of a DataService instance that a conflict
has occurred. |
| DataServiceFaultEvent |
The DataServiceFaultEvent class represents an event that
is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a
fault. |
| DataServiceResultEvent |
The DataServiceResultEvent class represents an event that
is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a
result. |
| UnresolvedConflictsEvent |
The DataService throws this event when the commit() method is called
while conflicts remain unresolved. |
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Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:57 AM Z