Pakket | |
Klasse | public class StageParticipantVO |
Overerving | StageParticipantVO ParticipantVO NamedVO BaseVO Object |
Subklassen | ApproverVO, AuthorVO, ModeratorVO, ReviewerVO |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 10 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Openbare eigenschappen
Eigenschap | Gedefinieerd door | ||
additionalMetadata : String
This property can be used to store additional metadata, while extending the application. | ParticipantVO | ||
canonicalName : String
Canonical name of the user or group as defined in User Manager. | ParticipantVO | ||
completedBy : String
This property stores a reference to the user who completed the task. | ParticipantVO | ||
completedFromIP : String
This property holds the IP from which the task was completed. | ParticipantVO | ||
constructor : Object
Verwijzing naar het klasseobject of de constructorfunctie van een bepaalde objectinstantie. | Object | ||
createdAt : String
This property is used to store the state of review when this participant was added. | StageParticipantVO | ||
disposition : String
Current disposition of participant, if any. | ParticipantVO | ||
domainName : String
Domain to which the user or group belongs as defined in User Manager. | ParticipantVO | ||
endDate : Date
End date of role of a participant in the stage. | StageParticipantVO | ||
entityPath : String
Gets the entity name in the content repository. | NamedVO | ||
finalComments : String
The final comments made by a participant after reviewing or approving a document. | ParticipantVO | ||
id : String
Get the ID of the VO. | BaseVO | ||
reviewContext : ReviewContextVO
The details of the review version. | ParticipantVO | ||
reviewStage : ReviewStageVO
Stage object which has this participant object in its list of participants. | StageParticipantVO | ||
startDate : Date
Start date of the role of a participant in the stage. | StageParticipantVO | ||
status : String
Current status of the participant. | ParticipantVO | ||
umOid : String
The Document Server User Manager OID of the participant. | ParticipantVO |
Openbare methoden
Methode | Gedefinieerd door | ||
The constructor for StageParticipantVO class. | StageParticipantVO | ||
Geeft aan of voor een object een opgegeven eigenschap is gedefinieerd. | Object | ||
Geeft aan of een instantie van de klasse Object zich in de prototypeketen van het object bevindt dat als parameter is opgegeven. | Object | ||
Geeft aan of de opgegeven eigenschap bestaat en kan worden opgesomd. | Object | ||
Stelt de beschikbaarheid van een dynamische eigenschap voor lusbewerkingen in. | Object | ||
Geeft de tekenreeksweergave van dit object weer, geformatteerd volgens de locatiespecifieke conventies. | Object | ||
Retourneert een tekenreeksrepresentatie van het opgegeven object. | Object | ||
Retourneert de primitieve waarde van het opgegeven object. | Object |
createdAt | eigenschap |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 10 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
This property is used to store the state of review when this participant was added.
public function get createdAt():String
public function set createdAt(value:String):void
endDate | eigenschap |
reviewStage | eigenschap |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 10 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Stage object which has this participant object in its list of participants.
public function get reviewStage():ReviewStageVO
public function set reviewStage(value:ReviewStageVO):void
startDate | eigenschap |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 10 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Start date of the role of a participant in the stage.
public function get startDate():Date
public function set startDate(value:Date):void
StageParticipantVO | () | Constructor |
public function StageParticipantVO()
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 10 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The constructor for StageParticipantVO
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:42 AM Z