Het pakket com.adobe.dct.view bevat hostcomponenten voor verschillende gebruikersinterfacecomponenten in de Data Dictionary-editor.
| Klasse | Beschrijving |
| BrowserContainer |
The BrowserContainer component displays the data dictionary elements in a tree view. |
| DictionaryDefinitionView |
The DictionaryDefinitionView component is the 3rd tab of DDEditor. |
| DictionaryPropertiesView |
The DictionaryPropertiesView component displays the top level properties of a data dictionary. |
| DictionaryServiceView |
The DictionaryServiceView component displays the Service related information for the Data Dictionary. |
| ImportFMLView |
The ImportFMLView component is a TitleWindow that is shown(optionally) when an FML is imported for creating data dictionary. |
| ImportXSDView |
The ImportXSDView component is a TitleWindow that is shown(optionally) when an XSD is imported for creating data dictionary. |
| PropertyContainer |
The PropertyContainer component displays the data dictionary element properties and provides the option to edit
the value of these properties. |
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Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:57 AM Z