패키지 | com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset |
클래스 | public class AssetTypeDescriptor |
상속 | AssetTypeDescriptor Object |
구현 | IEventDispatcher |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
class holds the metadata properties associated with the Asset represented by this AssetTypeDescriptor.
속성 | 정의 주체 | ||
assetActions : IList
Collection of the actions associated with asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
assetActionsRenderer : String
Fully qualified class name of the custiom asset actions renderer (toolbar). | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
assetDescription : String
The description of the asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
baseAssetType : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether this asset is oa Base or Abstract type. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
basicSearchPodRenderer : String
The custom Renderer for the Basic Search Pod for this Asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
constructor : Object
지정된 객체 인스턴스의 클래스 객체 또는 생성자 함수에 대한 참조입니다. | Object | ||
containedAssetViewFqnName : String
The fully qualified name of the Asset whose attributes are to be shown in Contained Assets View. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
containedCutPoints : String
The CutPoints to be specified for Contained Search. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
containedRelationsList : String
The Pipe Separated Relation List for getting Contained Assets of an Asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
displayName : String
The display name for the asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
enableDependencyReport : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether to show the Report Button in Dependency Browser or not. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
extendedProperties : Object
The extended properties associated with asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
fqnName : String
The fully qualified name of the asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
fqnParentHierarchy : String
The fully qualified parent hierarchy. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
iconUrl : String
The URL of a 16x16 size icon representing the asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
idProperty : String
The ID Property for this asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
lcdsDestination : String
Data Services destination associated with the asset type. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
name : String
Name of the asset type. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
path : String
The path of the Asset
| AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
previewContentProperty : String
The Content Property for this asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
previewDescriptionProperty : String
The Description Property for this asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
previewNameProperty : String
The Name Property for this asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
previewPodRenderer : String
Custom Renderer for Preview Pod (if any)
| AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
propertyDescriptors : IList
The AssetPropertyDescriptors for the properties of the Asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
relatedAssetViewFqnName : String
The fully qualified name of the Asset whose attributes are to be shown in Related Assets View. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
relatedCutPoints : String
The CutPoints to be specified for Related Search. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
relatedRelationsList : String
The Pipe Separated Relation List for getting Related Assets of an Asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
thumbnailUrl : String
The thumbnail URL of the asset. | AssetTypeDescriptor |
메서드 | 정의 주체 | ||
Constructor. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, weakRef:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener
receives notification of an event. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
Dispatches an event into the event flow. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type
of event. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
지정된 속성이 객체에 정의되어 있는지 여부를 나타냅니다. | Object | ||
Object 클래스의 인스턴스가 매개 변수로 지정된 객체의 프로토타입 체인에 있는지 여부를 나타냅니다. | Object | ||
지정된 속성이 존재하고 열거 가능한지 여부를 나타냅니다. | Object | ||
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object. | AssetTypeDescriptor | ||
루프 작업에서 동적 속성을 사용할 수 있는지 여부를 설정합니다. | Object | ||
로캘별 규칙에 따라 서식이 지정된 이 객체의 문자열 표현을 반환합니다. | Object | ||
지정된 객체의 문자열 표현을 반환합니다. | Object | ||
지정된 객체의 프리미티브 값을 반환합니다. | Object | ||
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. | AssetTypeDescriptor |
assetActions | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Collection of the actions associated with asset.
public function get assetActions():IList
public function set assetActions(value:IList):void
assetActionsRenderer | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Fully qualified class name of the custiom asset actions renderer (toolbar).
The class should extend com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.view.listing.IAssetActionsRenderer
public function get assetActionsRenderer():String
public function set assetActionsRenderer(value:String):void
assetDescription | 속성 |
baseAssetType | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
A flag that indicates whether this asset is oa Base or Abstract type.
public function get baseAssetType():Boolean
public function set baseAssetType(value:Boolean):void
basicSearchPodRenderer | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The custom Renderer for the Basic Search Pod for this Asset.
public function get basicSearchPodRenderer():String
public function set basicSearchPodRenderer(value:String):void
containedAssetViewFqnName | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The fully qualified name of the Asset whose attributes are to be shown in Contained Assets View.
public function get containedAssetViewFqnName():String
public function set containedAssetViewFqnName(value:String):void
containedCutPoints | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The CutPoints to be specified for Contained Search.
public function get containedCutPoints():String
public function set containedCutPoints(value:String):void
containedRelationsList | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The Pipe Separated Relation List for getting Contained Assets of an Asset.
public function get containedRelationsList():String
public function set containedRelationsList(value:String):void
displayName | 속성 |
enableDependencyReport | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
A flag that indicates whether to show the Report Button in Dependency Browser or not. By default it is visible.
public function get enableDependencyReport():Boolean
public function set enableDependencyReport(value:Boolean):void
extendedProperties | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The extended properties associated with asset.
public function get extendedProperties():Object
public function set extendedProperties(value:Object):void
fqnName | 속성 |
fqnParentHierarchy | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The fully qualified parent hierarchy.
public function get fqnParentHierarchy():String
public function set fqnParentHierarchy(value:String):void
iconUrl | 속성 |
idProperty | 속성 |
lcdsDestination | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Data Services destination associated with the asset type.
public function get lcdsDestination():String
public function set lcdsDestination(value:String):void
name | 속성 |
path | 속성 |
previewContentProperty | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The Content Property for this asset.
public function get previewContentProperty():String
public function set previewContentProperty(value:String):void
previewDescriptionProperty | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The Description Property for this asset. Shown just below the title in preview pod.
public function get previewDescriptionProperty():String
public function set previewDescriptionProperty(value:String):void
previewNameProperty | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The Name Property for this asset. Shown as the title in preview pod
public function get previewNameProperty():String
public function set previewNameProperty(value:String):void
previewPodRenderer | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Custom Renderer for Preview Pod (if any)
public function get previewPodRenderer():String
public function set previewPodRenderer(value:String):void
propertyDescriptors | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The AssetPropertyDescriptors for the properties of the Asset.
public function get propertyDescriptors():IList
public function set propertyDescriptors(value:IList):void
relatedAssetViewFqnName | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The fully qualified name of the Asset whose attributes are to be shown in Related Assets View.
public function get relatedAssetViewFqnName():String
public function set relatedAssetViewFqnName(value:String):void
relatedCutPoints | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The CutPoints to be specified for Related Search.
public function get relatedCutPoints():String
public function set relatedCutPoints(value:String):void
relatedRelationsList | 속성 |
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The Pipe Separated Relation List for getting Related Assets of an Asset.
public function get relatedRelationsList():String
public function set relatedRelationsList(value:String):void
thumbnailUrl | 속성 |
AssetTypeDescriptor | () | 생성자 |
public function AssetTypeDescriptor()
언어 버전: | ActionScript 3.0 |
제품 버전: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Content 10 |
런타임 버전: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
addEventListener | () | 메서드 |
public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, weakRef:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. You can register event listeners on all nodes in the display list for a specific type of event, phase, and priority.
After you successfully register an event listener, you cannot change its priority
through additional calls to addEventListener()
. To change a listener's priority, you
must first call removeEventListener()
. Then you can register the listener again with the new
priority level.
After the listener is registered, subsequent calls to
with a different value for either type
or useCapture
result in the
creation of a separate listener registration. For example, if you first register a
listener with useCapture
set to true
, it listens only during the capture phase. If you
call addEventListener()
again using the same listener object, but with useCapture
set to
, you have two separate listeners: one that listens during the capture phase, and
another that listens during the target and bubbling phases.
You cannot register an event listener for only the target phase or the bubbling phase. Those phases are coupled during registration because bubbling applies only to the ancestors of the target node.
When you no longer need an event listener, remove it by calling EventDispatcher.removeEventListener()
; otherwise, memory problems might result. Objects
with registered event listeners are not automatically removed from memory because the
garbage collector does not remove objects that still have references.
Copying an EventDispatcher instance does not copy the event listeners attached to it. (If your newly created node needs an event listener, you must attach the listener after creating the node.) However, if you move an EventDispatcher instance, the event listeners attached to it move along with it.
If the event listener is being registered on a node while an event is also being processed on this node, the event listener is not triggered during the current phase but may be triggered during a later phase in the event flow, such as the bubbling phase.
If an event listener is removed from a node while an event is being processed on the node, it is still triggered by the current actions. After it is removed, the event listener is never invoked again (unless it is registered again for future processing).
매개 변수
type:String — The type of event.
| |
listener:Function — The listener function that processes the event. This function must accept an event object
as its only parameter and must return nothing, as this example shows:
| |
useCapture:Boolean (default = false ) — Determines whether the listener works in the capture phase or the target
and bubbling phases. If useCapture is set to true , the
listener processes the event only during the capture phase and not in the target or
bubbling phase. If useCapture is false , the listener processes the event only
during the target or bubbling phase. To listen for the event in all three phases, call
addEventListener() twice, once with useCapture set to true ,
then again with useCapture set to false .
| |
priority:int (default = 0 ) — The priority level of the event listener. Priorities are designated by a 32-bit integer. The higher the number, the higher the priority. All listeners with priority n are processed before listeners of priority n-1. If two or more listeners share the same priority, they are processed in the order in which they were added. The default priority is 0.
| |
weakRef:Boolean (default = false ) — Determines whether the reference to the listener is strong or weak. A strong
reference (the default) prevents your listener from being garbage-collected. A weak
reference does not. Class-level member functions are not subject to garbage
collection, so you can set |
dispatchEvent | () | 메서드 |
public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean
Dispatches an event into the event flow. The event target is the
EventDispatcher object upon which dispatchEvent()
is called.
매개 변수
event:Event — The event object dispatched into the event flow.
Boolean — A value of true unless preventDefault() is called on the event,
in which case it returns false .
hasEventListener | () | 메서드 |
public function hasEventListener(type:String):Boolean
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type
of event. This allows you to determine where an EventDispatcher object has altered handling of an event type in the event flow hierarchy. To determine whether
a specific event type will actually trigger an event listener, use IEventDispatcher.willTrigger()
The difference between hasEventListener()
and willTrigger()
is that hasEventListener()
examines only the object to which it belongs, whereas willTrigger()
examines the entire event flow for the event specified by the type
매개 변수
type:String — The type of event.
Boolean — A value of true if a listener of the specified type is registered; false otherwise.
removeEventListener | () | 메서드 |
public function removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object. If there is no matching listener registered with the EventDispatcher object, a call to this method has no effect.
매개 변수
type:String — The type of event.
| |
listener:Function — The listener object to remove.
| |
useCapture:Boolean (default = false ) — Specifies whether the listener was registered for the capture phase or the target and bubbling phases. If the listener was registered for both the capture phase and the target and bubbling phases, two calls to removeEventListener() are required to remove both: one call with useCapture set to true , and another call with useCapture set to false .
willTrigger | () | 메서드 |
public function willTrigger(type:String):Boolean
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type. This method returns true
if an event listener is triggered during any phase of the event flow when an event of the specified type is dispatched to this EventDispatcher object or any of its descendants.
The difference between hasEventListener()
and willTrigger()
is that hasEventListener()
examines only the object to which it belongs, whereas willTrigger()
examines the entire event flow for the event specified by the type
매개 변수
type:String — The type of event.
Boolean — A value of true if a listener of the specified type will be triggered; false otherwise.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:17 PM Z