Il pacchetto lc.procmgmt contiene le classi e le implementazioni necessarie per utilizzare le funzionalità di Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Process Management
Le classi sono utili per implementare le interfacce utente personalizzate che utilizzano la stessa funzionalità di gestione dei processi di Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace.
| Interfaccia | Descrizione |
| IFavoritesManager |
The IFavoritesManager interface is implemented to manage favorite TaskManager startpoints. |
| IProcessManager |
The IProcessManager interface is implemented to determine
the list of processes that the user has participated in. |
| IQueueManager |
The IQueueManager interface is implemented to manage Queue objects. |
| IStartpointManager |
The IStartpointManager interface is implemented to manage TaskManager startpoints. |
| ITaskManager |
The ITaskManager interface contains methods
and properties to retrieve and manage tasks. |
| Classe | Descrizione |
| AssignmentConstants |
The AssignmentConstants class holds constants for the
Assignment class assignmentType property. |
| AuthenticatingApplication |
The AuthenticatingApplication class handles the loading
localized resources based on the browser language, authentication, and
other initialization activities. |
| ProcessConstants |
The ProcessConstants class holds constants for the
Process class's status property. |
| QueueConstants |
The QueueConstants class holds constants for the Queue class type
and filter properties. |
| TaskConstants |
The TaskConstants class holds constants for the Task class status
and priority properties. |
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