Pacchetto | lc.procmgmt |
Interfaccia | public interface IFavoritesManager |
Implementatori | FavoritesManager |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Area di lavoro 9 |
Versioni runtime: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
interface is implemented to manage favorite TaskManager startpoints.
Workspace start points that are added to a process diagram create TaskManager startpoints. TaskManager
startpoints are used to invoke a process in Workspace. When you use Workspace to invoke a
a process, a form is always used. A PDF form or form data is passed as input to the process. For more information
about creating processes for Workspace, see "Designing human-centric processes" in
Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0 Help
Implement the IFavoritesManager
interface to retrieve, add, and remove the favorites.
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:44 PM Z