Upload files

You can upload individual files from your computer or upload folders via FTP. If you want to upload more than 100 MB of files or upload entire folders and subfolders, select Via FTP.

If you’ve installed the Media Portal desktop version, you can drag files and folders directly from your desktop to the destination upload folder.

Media Portal sends you an e-mail message to confirm when your upload job begins and ends, and to notify you of any problems.

Upload files from your computer

  1. Click the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar.

  2. Choose From Desktop.

  3. Click the Browse button.

    The Select Files to Upload dialog box opens.

  4. Select the files you want to upload, and then click Open (Windows®) or Select (Mac OS®).

    Note: As you select files, Media Portal lists their names on the Filename list. You can remove a file by selecting it and selecting the Delete button.
  5. In the Choose Folder Destination section, select a destination folder for the uploaded files.

  6. Click Job Options and specify options as desired. See Upload options .

  7. Click Start Upload.

    The upload begins. You can visit the Jobs screen to see the progress of the upload. You can continue working in Media Portal and return to the Jobs screen at any time to review an in-progress job.

  8. To cancel an upload job in progress, select the Cancel button next to the Duration time.

Upload files from your computer using Media Portal desktop version

Media Portal desktop application lets you upload files and folders by dragging them as well as selecting them.

  1. Make sure that the Media Portal desktop application is installed (see Installing Media Portal desktop version ).

  2. Click the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar. The Upload window appears.

  3. In the Add To SPS Folder panel, display the folder where you want to upload the folders or files. Expand folder buttons (small triangles) appear beside folder with subfolders in them. Click this button to display or hide subfolders.

  4. Use these techniques to upload folders and files:

    Select a folder or file and drag it into the Add to SPS Folder side of the Upload window over the folder where you want to upload the folder or file. When you release the mouse button, the folder or file appears in the Add to SPS folder panel. You can select a folder or file for dragging from your computer or network, or from the left side of the Upload window.

    On the left side of the Upload window, display and select the folder or file you want to upload:
    • To display a folder, click its Expand button , if necessary, to display it.

    • To display a file, select its folder, and in the Name list, select its name.

      After you select the folder or file, click the Add to Upload List button to add the folder or file to the folder you selected in step 3. This folder is on the Add to SPS Folder side of the Upload window.

    Note: To remove a file or folder from the destination folder, select it and click the Remove from Upload List button.
  5. Click Job Options and specify options as desired. See Upload options .

  6. Click Start Upload.

    You can click Jobs to go to the Jobs screen and see the progress of the upload. You can continue working in Media Portal and return to the Jobs screen at any time to review an in-progress job.

  7. To cancel an upload job in progress, select the Stop button On the Jobs screen.

Upload files via FTP

To upload more than 100 MB of files or upload entire folders and subfolders, use the Via FTP option.

  1. Upload your files to the site.

    Log in to S7ftp2.scene7.com with the FTP user name and password you received from your administrator.

  2. In Media Portal, click the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar.

  3. Select Via FTP.

  4. Choose an FTP folder to upload files from, and then choose a destination folder.

  5. Click Job Options and specific options as desired. See Upload options .

  6. Click Start Upload.

    The upload begins. You can go to the Jobs screen to check the progress of the upload. You can continue working in Media Portal and return to the Jobs screen at any time to review an in-progress job.

  7. To cancel an upload job in progress, select the Stop button next to the Duration time.

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