1)Choose Project > File > Project Settings.
2)On the general tab, change settings as needed:
Project Title
Enter a project title. This title appears in the window bar of the output.
Primary Output/Layout
Select a primary layout.
Select the default project language.
Click to create or edit lists for localization. Set options in each pane.
To Do List
Click Manage to manage the To Do list for your project. For more information, see Using the To Do list.
Select an option for saving keywords:
•Index File (HHK) saves new index keywords in the project index file (HHK).
•Topics saves new index keywords in individual topic files (HTM).
•Binary Index uses a binary index in Microsoft HTML Help projects.
Use the Stop List tab to modify words contained in the Stop List file ProjectName.stp. A Stop List contains common words (for example, “a” or “the”) that the search ignores for an accurate result.
Select a word, click Edit. Type the new name. Press Enter. Right-click the word to display a drop-down box with the Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All options.
Reset To Default
Removes the new entries and restores the default list.
Adds a word. Click New. Type the word. Press Enter.
Deletes a selected word.
note: In Microsoft HTML Help projects, the stop list file can’t be larger than 512 K. If the file is larger, words at the end of the file are not included in the CHM file.
Modify words in the Phrases file ProjectName.phr. This tab contains a phrase list the Smart Index Wizard includes in keyword searches. For example, make project settings one phrase, not two words. You can add, rename, and delete words.
Select a word, click Edit. Type the new name. Press Enter. Right-click the word to display a drop-down box with the Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All options.
Reset To Default
Removes the new entries and restores the default list.
Click New. Type the new word. Press Enter.
Modify words in the Always Ignore Words file ProjectName.ign. This list contains “noise” words such “as,” “the,” or “a.” The Smart Index wizard uses the list to keep the noise words out of the index.
Select a word, click Edit. Type the new name. Press Enter. Right-click the word to display a drop-down box with the Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All options.
Reset To Default
Removes the new entries and restores the default list.
Click New. Type the new word. Press Enter.
Change text elements in the user interface for Multiscreen HTML5, WebHelp, WebHelp Pro, FlashHelp, FlashHelp Pro, AIR Help, printed documentation, or HTML Help output.
See the complete list of available changes you can make in the LNG file tab.
When you edit the LNG file, your changes supersede settings made in Project Settings in other locations.
1)Select an element, and click either of the following:
Modify LNG file text for each user interface element listed. In Edit mode, you can also right-click on the edited line to undo the edits, cut, copy, paste, delete, or select all.note: You can change the string to show expanding or collapsing topic TOCs in settings for master pages. For more information, see Master pages.
Reset To Default
Erases the new entries and restores the default list.
note: For quick access to these options, you can select Edit > LNG File.
Define words as synonyms. For example, you can define “find” and “locate” as synonyms for “search.” In the generated output, when a user searches for “search,” results for “find” and “locate” are also displayed.
Reset To Default
Removes the new entries and restores the default list.
Select a word, click Edit. Type the new name. Press Enter. Right-click the word to display a drop-down box with the Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All options.
Click to add a new word in the Synonym table and specify a synonym for it.
Click to delete the Word and its synonyms.