REST web services

The REST web services enable you to perform a search on the content and return results for the context-sensitive Help. Using the REST services, you can send GET and POST requests to the RoboHelp server and get results in the JSON format.

When you install RoboHelp Server 11, some sample project files are stored at Program files/Adobe/Adobe RoboHelp/CSH API/RoboHelp.NET/[sample folder name].

RoboHelp Server provides sample files in four languages: Visual Basic, VC++, C#, and JavaScript. All the sample files in different languages, other than JavaScript, are stored in different folders. For example, a Visual Basic folder is named Sample_RoboHelp_CSH_VB. All the language-specific sample folders also contain solution files (.sln files) to open and run them in Visual Studio. Using these samples, you can perform search on the projects published on the RoboHelp Server. The result of the query is responded in XML format. You can use the results to be displayed in different formats or for scripting purposes. In the samples, the search results are displayed in a table format. The columns display rank, topic title with total count, the URL, and the summary links to the relevant topics of the specified project.