
  1. Double-click a solution file from \\Program files\Adobe\Adobe RoboHelp\CSH API\RoboHelp.NET\[sample folder name].

  2. Language-specific code displays in Visual Studio.

  3. Run the code. A language-specific sample project executable file opens. For example, for Visual Basic code, the CSH_VB_Sample dialog box appears.

  4. To perform search, specify the URL as http://<server-name>/<context-name>/rest.

  5. Specify the project name.

  6. Enter a search keyword in the Question box.

  7. Specify an area, in which the project is published, general or otherwise.

    Note: If you do not specify an area, the default area, general is selected.
  8. Select Responsive HTML5(which specifies the type of project).

  9. Click Search.

The search results are displayed in a table format that lists the rank, topic title with total count, URL, and summary of the relevant topics of the specified project.