Public area
When you send a search request to a public area, use the HTTP GET method. You can use the following format for your search query:
URL: http://<server-name>:<port-number>/<context-name>/rest/search?project=<project-name>&area=<area-name>&quesn=<search-query>&type=<type-of-output>
The server sends the response in the following JSON format:
"topics": [
"strSummary": "{summary}",
"strTitle": "{title}",
"nIndex": "{index}",
"strUrl": "{url}",
"strBreadcrumbs": "{breadcrumbpath}",
"fRanking": "{rank}",
"nTopicId": "{topicId}"
"clientIndex": "{isClientsideIndexing(boolean)}",
"syns": "{synonyms}"
Protected area
To send a query request to a protected area, use the HTTP POST method. Use the following format for your search query:
URL : "
"rest": {
"uid": "admin",
"pwd": "admin",
"prj": "mars",
"quesn": "topic",
"area": "classic",
"type": "responsivehelp"
"{ ""topics"": [ { ""strSummary"": "{
}", ""strTitle"": "{
}", ""nIndex"": "{
}", ""strUrl"": "{
}", ""strBreadcrumbs"": "{
}", ""fRanking"": "{
}", ""nTopicId"": "{
}" } ], ""clientIndex"": "{
}", ""syns"": "{
The RoboHelp server sends the response in the following format:
"{ ""topics"": [ { ""strSummary"": "{
}", ""strTitle"": "{
}", ""nIndex"": "{
}", ""strUrl"": "{
}", ""strBreadcrumbs"": "{
}", ""fRanking"": "{
}", ""nTopicId"": "{
}" } ], ""clientIndex"": "{
}", ""syns"": "{