Selecting processes to start

You can select a process to start it or to view more information about it.

You can display the processes in a list view or card view. In list view, you can sort the processes by clicking the column headers.

When you select a process to start, you may need to fill a form that is associated with that process. Submitting the form starts the process.

Many types of forms are supported, including Adobe PDF, HTML, Guide, and SWF file. The form may look like a traditional printable or web-based form or may guide you through a series of wizard-style panels to gather your information.

If the form and process allow it, you can also save the form offline, fill it, and then submit it to complete the task. When the form is submitted, your email client is started with the appropriate server email address. You can then send the completed form to the server by email.

When you select a process, the Forms tab and Task Details tab appear. If the process permits you to add notes or attachments, the Attachments tab also appears. The Forms tab displays the associated form, and the Task Details tab displays information about the current task and the process that it is part of.

Note: You can also start processes from the Tracking page by using data from another instance of the same process.

Start a business process

  1. On the Start Process page, in the list on the left, select a category. All the processes that you have access to in the category appear on the right.

  2. Select a process by performing one of these steps:

    • In Card view, click the task.

    • In List view, double-click the task.

    The form that is associated with the process opens on the Form tab.

  3. Fill the form according to any instructions provided with it. If necessary, click Maximize to increase the visible area of the form.

  4. If the Attachments tab is available, add any required notes or attachments.

  5. Perform one these steps:

    • If the form itself has a Submit button, click the appropriate button on the form.

    • If the form does not have a Submit button, click Complete below the form.

    Process Management starts the process and routes the form to the appropriate To Do lists for someone to complete the next task in the process.

    If you must close a form before submitting it and without losing data that you entered, save a draft and complete it later if the process allows it. If the form and process allow it, you can also click Offline and later submit it from Adobe® Reader® or Adobe® Acrobat® Professional or Acrobat Standard.

    Note: If form submission fails, check the messages for possible errors. If form and data no longer appear in the browser, they may have been automatically saved to the Drafts folder.

Start a business processes in bulk

  1. On the To Do page, in the list on the left, select a category. All the processes that you have access to in the category appear on the right.

  2. Select a process by switching to the list view.

  3. Select the Enable Bulk Mode option. This adds a new column in the list view to select processes in bulk.

  4. Select the processes and click Complete.

  5. On the Bulk Process Confirmation dialog, review the list of selected processes and click OK to begin bulk processing of all selected processes.

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