Completing tasks

How you complete a task depends on the task itself and your role in the process. You may be asked to approve or deny a request, provide content, review and verify information, or indicate that you took an action.

You can complete a task in various ways:

  • Using the tools below the Task Details and Forms tab

  • Using the buttons built in to the form itself

  • From your To Do list, without opening the task

  • By email, if you receive email notifications

When you complete a task, depending on the task, a confirmation dialog box may appear reaffirming your action. For example, you may see a dialog that prompts you to attest to the validity of the information that you provided.

Note: If you changed a task but are not ready to complete it, you can save your work as a draft by clicking Save  and return to it later.

Complete a task

  1. Perform one of the following steps:

    • In list view, select the task and click the appropriate button for the next step required in the process at the bottom of the list.

    • On the Form tab, if the form has no buttons and the Complete button in Workspace is available, click Complete.

    • On the Form tab, if the form has buttons and the Complete button in Workspace is not available, click the appropriate button on the form for the next step required in the process.

    If the form has no buttons and the Complete button in Workspace is not available, a message appears, indicating that the form cannot be submitted.

  2. If a Confirmation dialog box appears, do one of these actions:

    • Click OK if you completed the task and are ready to sign off on it.

    • Click Cancel if you want to return to the task and are not ready to sign off on it.

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