Working with tasks from group and shared queues

All tasks that are assigned to you appear in your To Do list (queue).

Any group and shared To Do lists that you have access to also appear in the left pane on the To Do page. You can complete tasks from any To Do list that you have access to.

A group To Do list may have more than one member. An administrator sets up group To Do lists based on the specific requirements of your organization. Group To Do lists provide a way to distribute work among several people who share similar responsibilities.

For example, each member of your team processes loan application forms. All these tasks are sent to a group To Do list that every member of your group has access to. Each member of your group can access the tasks from that To Do list.

A shared To Do list appears when another user shares their To Do list with you. You can then view the tasks in that user’s To Do list and complete them on that user’s behalf. For example, if you are taking a vacation, you may choose to share your To Do list with a co-worker who completes your tasks while you are away.

Note: You can also specify out-of-office settings to forward tasks to other users while you are away.

To work on a task from a group or shared To Do list, you must first claim the task. You then become the owner of the task until you complete it or forward it to another user.

Sharing queues

You can share your To Do list with another user, who can then view the new tasks in your To Do list and act upon them for you. If any tasks exist in your To Do list before you share your To Do list, the other user cannot view them. The user can view and claim only the tasks that arrive in your To Do list after you grant access to your To Do list.

Keep in mind that for a user to see a task in a shared queue, the process designer must enable the Add ACL for Shared Queue option on the Task Access Control List (ACL) tab of the User Service.

Note: If you plan to be away from the office, you can also specify out-of-office settings to forward tasks to other users while you are away instead of sharing your entire To Do list.

Share your queue

  1. Click Preferences and then click Manage Queues.

  2. Select Share my queue.

  3. In the User ID box, specify the name or partial name of the user to share your To Do list with and click Find to list all the user names that match the search criteria.

    Note: The user name search is limited to 100 results. If you cannot find the user you need, refine your search criteria.
  4. Select the name of the user and click Share or double-click the name of the user.

    Note: You can remove a user from sharing your To Do list by selecting the user name from the Users Currently Sharing My Queue list and clicking Remove.

Accessing other queues

You can request access to another user’s To Do list to view and claim any new tasks in the user’s To Do list.

When you request access to another user’s To Do list, the user receives a task in their To Do list to either approve or deny your request. After the user completes the task, you receive a notification in your To Do list.

If you are granted access to another user’s To Do list, you cannot view any tasks that existed in the user’s To Do list before you were granted access. You can view only the tasks that arrive in the user’s To Do list after you are granted access to the To Do list.

Access another queue

  1. Click Preferences and click Manage Queues.

  2. Select Access another queue.

  3. In the User ID box, specify the name of the user whose To Do list you want to access, or click Find to list all user names.

    Note: The user name search is limited to 100 results. If you cannot find the user you need, refine your search criteria.
  4. Select the name of the user and click Request.

    Note: You can remove your access to another To Do list by selecting the user name from the Users Queues That I have Access To list and clicking Remove. You cannot remove your access to another To Do list when the request to access the To Do list is still pending.

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