(Deprecated) Export Guides for use in client applications

* New for 10 *

Export a Guide from Workbench to use as a component in an Enterprise Platform application.

Workbench does not support exporting Guides that were created using a previous version of Workbench. To export a Guide that was created using a previous version of Workbench, upgrade the Guide and then export it. For information about upgrading a Guide, see (Deprecated) Upgrading Guides.

In your Flash Builder application, use the Guide component to render the exported Guide. The Guide component is a Flex component that renders a Guide.

For information about developing applications in Flash Builder, see Using Flash Builder 4.5.

For information about using the Guide component in an Enterprise Platform application, see Add a Guide to an Enterprise Platform project.

Use the Guide component if you previously loaded Guides using LiveCycle ES Update 1 and the Flex SWFLoader.

Note: Guides that are rendered as a component cannot include a document, such as a read-only document of record or an interactive PDF file.

What is exported?

When you export a Guide, Workbench generates a resolved Guide on your computer. The resolved Guide includes a folder structure that mirrors the structure in the Applications view. The folders contain updated versions of all the assets that the Guide references. The referenced assets can be in the same application or in other applications, such as the Guides (system) application.

When you export a Guide, you can also export one or more localized versions of the Guide. To export a localized version of a Guide, there must be an XLF file in the same folder as the Guide.

The exported Guide includes several folders:

  • <Guide name>.guide contains the Guide files:

    Defines the assets that the Guide references.

    <Guide name>_GuideExperience.xml
    Lists the Guide properties that are defined in Workbench.

    A system-generated file.

    <data model name>.swf
    The data model compiled as a SWF file.

  • <Guide name>.<locale>.guide contains localized versions of the Guide files. There is one folder for each locale that you export.

  • A folder for the Guide’s application, such as /MyApplication/1.0/. It contains referenced assets from the application, such as the data model, sample data, custom styles, or images.

  • A folder for each external application that contains referenced assets. For example, /Guides (system)/2.0/Styles/swf/CobaltStandard.swf.

If you export multiple Guides to the same folder, they can share assets. For example, if two Guides reference the same CobalStandard.swf file, export them to the same folder. Only one copy of the shared asset, CobaltStandard.swf, is exported.

Export a Guide from Workbench

In Workbench, export a Guide to a folder on your computer. After you export a Guide, you can use it as a component in a rich Internet application.

  1. In the Applications view, right-click the Guide, and then click Export.

  2. Select the folder where you want to export the Guide.

  3. A Guide can support multiple locales:

    • If the Guide supports multiple locales, click Next, select the locale, and then click Finish.

    • If the Guide does not support multiple locales, click Finish.

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