* New for 10 *
You can continue to use Guides that you created in Workbench
9. If you do not need to change a Guide, it continues to render
as before.
If you need to change a Guide in Workbench, upgrade the Guide.
To upgrade a Guide, recompile any referenced SWC or SWF files with
the Flex 4.1 and 4.5 SDK, as necessary, and then open and save the
Guide in Workbench.
The Flex SDK files are available in the Adobe LiveCycle ES4\Workbench 11\Flex_SDK
folder where Workbench is installed (by default C:\Program Files\Adobe
LiveCycle ES4\Workbench 11\Flex_SDK).
Workbench includes two versions of the Guides (system) services.
The 1.0 version renders Guides that you created in Workbench 9 that
are not upgraded. The 2.0 version renders Guides that are upgraded
in LiveCycle-Workbench. For more information about the Guides (system)
services, see (Deprecated) Guides (system).
You can also upgrade a form guide that was created with LiveCycle
Designer ES (version 8.x). For information about upgrading a form
guide created with Designer ES (version 8.x), see Upgrade a form guide created with Designer ES (version 8.x).
Recompile referenced SWC or SWF files
you upgrade a Guide in Workbench, recompile any referenced SWC or SWF
files in Flash Builder. The reference SWC or SWF files include custom
extensions, custom styles, and precompiled data models.
you do not recompile the SWC or SWF files, the Guide is rendered
with default settings, such as the Cobalt Standard Guide layout.
Any custom controls that were defined in a custom extensions file
display as text input fields.
You can also recompile the
SWC or SWF files later, and then select the files in the Guide Properties
If the Guide uses custom extensions, compile
two versions of each SWC file in Flash Builder:
the runtime Guide, compile the extensions SWC file with the Flex
4.5 SDK.
For the design-time Guide, compile the extensions SWC file
with the Flex 4.1 SDK. Add “_designtime” to the filename. For example,
if the runtime file is named myextensions.swc, name the design-time
file myextensions_designtime.swc.
Important: Save
both SWC files in the same folder.
If the Guide uses a custom style sheet, upgrade the CSS file:
In Flash Builder, open the CSS file.
In the CSS file, add the Spark and MX namespace information,
as required. For information about adding namespaces, see About namespaces in CSS in Using Flex 4.5.
Compile the CSS into a SWF file using the Flex 4.5 SDK.
If the Guide uses a precompiled data model, recompile the
FML file with the Flex 4.5 SDK.
Upgrade a Guide created in a previous version of Workbench
You can upgrade a Guide that was created in
Workbench 9.
When you open a Guide that you created in Workbench
9 in the Guide Design perspective, a wizard identifies what you
can upgrade.
In Workbench, open and save the Guide.
In the wizard, specify whether to use Spark or MX components
in the Guide. You can also specify whether to use Spark or MX components
in the Guide Properties view, in the Component Mapping properties.
Specify whether to use Spark or MX controls
you upgrade a Guide, you can specify Spark or MX controls in the
wizard. You can also specify Spark or MX controls in the Guide Properties

In the Guide Tree view, select the Guide. The
Component Mapping properties appear in the Guide Properties view.
To use Spark components, from the System Mappings property,
select /Guides (system)/2.0/Runtime/SystemConfig.xml.
To use MX components, from the System Mappings property,
select /Guides (system)/2.0/Runtime/SystemConfig-MX.xml.