(Deprecated) Guides (system)

Note: Effective March 10, 2012, Adobe is deprecating the Guides capabilities of Adobe® Livecycle® ES. The Guides functionality is available for upgrade purposes only and will be removed from the product after two major releases.

The Guides (system) services render Guides for display in a browser or on a mobile device. The generate Guide and render Guide operations call the remaining operations.

The RenderGuideInteractivePDF operation is called when the user configures the Guide to include an interactive PDF.

The Guide runtime calls the RenderPDFDOR operation when the Guide is configured to provide a non-interactive document.

There are two versions of the Guides (system) services. The 2.0 version is used with Guides created in LiveCycle Workbench. The 1.0 version is used with Guides created in LiveCycle Workbench 2.x.

(Deprecated) Render Guide operation

Determines whether the Guide is created for display in a browser or on a mobile device, and then forwards the Guide to the appropriate process. It calls the Generate Guide process if the Guide is created for display in a browser.

Input properties


A document value that provides the initial data for the Guide. The data structure corresponds to the structure of the data model that the Guide is based on.


A string value that specifies the location of the Guide in the repository.

Guide Runtime

A string value that specifies the repository path to the Guide runtime. The default Guide runtime is dccontainer_bundle.swf. To leverage the signed Runtime Shared Library (RSL), use dccontainer_bundle-rsl.swf. To optimize the Guide download experience, use a structure such as /<MyApplication>/1.0/<MyRuntime>.swf.


A map value that specifies the HTTP headers. The HTTP headers contain the locale information for the browser.


A string value that specifies the prefix to remove from input values.


A map value that stores variables. The variables are used for communication among services, such as Workspace and mobile services.


A string value that specifies a comma-separated list of locales. The list is provided if the locale information is not available in the HTTP headers.


A string value that specifies the location of the servlet that handles the submitted XML data.


A long value that specifies the Process Management task ID.


A string value that specifies the view of the Guide that a step in the process uses.

Output properties


A document value that contains the HTML output that displays the Guide.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after calling the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

(Deprecated) Generate Guide operation

Renders a Guide for display in a browser. It packages the required collateral, sets input variables and data, and produces an HTML file that is sent to the client. The HTML file includes references to any static collateral on the server.

The Generate Guide operation also examines the Guide version. If the Guide was created using a previous version of Workbench, it forwards the Guide to the /Guides (system)/1.0/Generate Guide process.

Input properties


A document value that provides the initial data for the Guide. The data structure corresponds to the structure of the data model that the Guide is based on.


A string value that specifies the location of the Guide in the repository.


A string value that specifies the repository path to the runtime Guide. The default runtime Guide is dccontainer_bundle.swf. To leverage the signed Runtime Shared Library (RSL), use dccontainer_bundle-rsl.swf. To optimize the Guide download experience, use a structure such as /<MyApplication>/1.0/<MyRuntime>.swf.


A map value that provides the HTTP headers. The HTTP headers contain the locale information for the browser.


A string value that specifies the prefix to remove from input values.


A map value that stores variables. The variables are used for communication among services, such as Workspace and mobile services.


A string value that specifies a comma-separated list of locales. The list is provided if the locale information is not available in the HTTP headers. If a list of locales is provided, it supercedes the locale information in the HTTP header.


A string value that specifies the location of the servlet that handles the submitted XML data.


A string value that specifies the view of the Guide that a step in the process uses.

xfa ServerCalcs

A boolean value that indicates whether server calculations are performed for Guides that are based on an XDP form.

Output properties


A document value that contains the HTML output that displays the Guide.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after calling the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

(Deprecated) PreProcessXFAData operation

Performs server-side calculations. It is called by the Generate Guide operation to retrieve the XFA data from the Forms service. The Forms service executes XFA server-side scripts.

Input properties


A document value that provides the initial data for the Guide. The data structure corresponds to the structure of the data model that the Guide is based on.


A string value that specifies the location of the Guide in the repository.


A string value that specifies the repository location of the XDP form that the Guide is based on.


A string value that specifies the location of the servlet that handles the submitted XML data.

Output properties


A documentvalue that contains the results of the server-side calculations.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after calling the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

(Deprecated) Process XFA Submission operation

Runs server-side calculations on submitted XFA data for Guides that are based on XDP forms.

It performs any server-side validation. If there are any validation errors it calls the Render guide operation to resend the Guide to the Guide filler.

Input properties


A document value that provides the initial data for the Guide. The data structure corresponds to the structure of the data model that the Guide is based on.


A string value that specifies the location of the Guide in the repository.


A boolean value that specifies whether to perform calculations and validations.


A map value that stores variables that are used for communication among services, such as Workspace and Mobile services.


A string value that specifies the location of the servlet that handles the submitted XML data.


A boolean value that indicates whether to validate that the Guide submitting the data is the same as the rendered Guide.


Not used.

Output properties


A documentvalue that contains the submitted data when the data submission is successful. If there is a validation failure, it returns the HTML output to send to the Guide.


A map value that stores variables that are used for communication among services, such as Workspace and Mobile services.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after calling the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

(Deprecated) RenderGuideInteractivePDF operation

Generates the interactive PDF document that is included with a Guide.

Input properties


A boolean value that indicates whether to inject the form bridge script for PDF document communication. Set it to true to inject the form bridge script for PDF document communication. Set it to false if the form already contains the form bridge.


A string value that specifies the location of the servlet that handles the submitted XML data.


A string value that specifies the path to the form design that a non-interactive PDF document is generated from.

Output properties


A document value that contains the interactive PDF document.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after calling the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

(Deprecated) RenderPDFDOR operation

Generates the non-interactive PDF document, such as a document of record, that is included with a Guide.

The RenderPDFOR operation is called when the Guide filler clicks the Display Document icon in a Guide. The Guide must be configured to use the Generate Document Using Default Service option in the Guide Properties view.

Input properties


A document value that provides the initial data for the Guide. The data structure corresponds to the structure of the data model that the Guide is based on.


A string value that specifies the location of the Guide in the repository.


A document value that specifies the path for the non-interactive PDF document to render.

Output properties

Rendered PDF

A document value that contains the non-interactive PDF document.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after calling the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

(Deprecated) Submit Guide operation

Extracts the XML data from the data submitted by the Guide. It determines whether the Guide is created for display in a browser or on a mobile device, and then forwards the Guide to the appropriate process.

If the Guide is based on an XDP form, it calls the Process XFA Submission operation.

Input properties


A document value that provides the initial data for the Guide. The data structure corresponds to the structure of the data model that the Guide is based on.


A string value that specifies the location of the Guide in the repository.


A map value that stores variables. The variables are used for communication among services, such as Workspace and mobile services.

Output properties


A map value that stores variables. The variables are used for communication among services, such as Workspace and mobile services.


A document value that returns the submitted data. If there is a validation failure, it returns the HTML output to send to the Guide.

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after calling the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response.

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

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