(Deprecated) Complex model objects in Guides

Complex model objects are those objects in a model that map to more than a single value. Instead, these objects map to an entire object, or a collection of objects, in a data set using an internal multi-column table of values.

You can use complex model objects to control data retrieval from a given source using values from one internal column to select the row of data to retrieve. For example, if the complex model object is a collection of employees, you can display a list of first names to users and then display the entire record for an employee based on the selection.

Alternatively, you could use the single complex model object as a data input to a Guide extension, such as a custom control. In this way, you can provide a much richer set of data to the custom control to create additional functionality for the Guides user.

Walkthrough creating a complex model object

This walkthrough describes how to create a complex data object using a model. Before you begin, ensure that you complete the following tasks:

  • Create a Guide based on a model.

  • Create a sample data file that matches the model structure.

Note: This walkthrough uses the following model definition and sample XML data definition:

Sample model definition

<model xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/Fiber/1.0"> 
    <entity name="Entity" persistent="true"> 
        <annotation name="VisualModeler"> 
            <item name="x">46</item> 
            <item name="y">43</item> 
            <item name="width">115</item> 
            <item name="height">78</item> 
        <id name="ID" type="integer" generated="false"/> 
        <property name="employees" type="Employee[]"/> 
        <property name="employee" type="Employee"/> 
    <entity name="Employee"> 
        <annotation name="VisualModeler"> 
            <item name="x">247</item> 
            <item name="y">93</item> 
            <item name="width">115</item> 
            <item name="height">94</item> 
        <property name="firstName" type="string"/> 
        <property name="lastName" type="string"/> 
        <property name="address" type="string"/> 
        <property name="employeeHistory" type="EmployeeHistory[]"/> 
    <entity name="EmployeeHistory"> 
        <annotation name="VisualModeler"> 
            <item name="x">434</item> 
            <item name="y">102</item> 
            <item name="width">115</item> 
            <item name="height">62</item> 
        <property name="employer" type="string"/> 
        <property name="jobDescription" type="string"/> 

Sample XML data

            <address>1 ABC Street</address> 
                <employer>123 Contracting</employer> 
                <jobDescription>Senior Software Developer</jobDescription> 
                <employer>123 Contracting</employer> 
                <jobDescription>Junior Software Developer</jobDescription> 
            <address>10 XYZ Avenue</address> 
                <employer>Bobby's Road House</employer> 
            <address>33-C Alphabet Lane</address> 
                <employer>Big Bank Incorporated</employer> 
                <jobDescription>Branch Manager</jobDescription> 
                <employer>Little Bank Corporation</employer> 
                <jobDescription>Customer Service</jobDescription> 
                <employer>Small Town Co-operative</employer> 
            <firstName /> 
            <lastName /> 
            <address /> 

Create a complex object

  1. In the Data Model view, drag the employee entity into the Guide.

  2. In the Data Model view, expand the employee entity. Drag the firstName, lastName, and address objects into the Guide.

  3. In the Guide Tree view, select the Employee object.

  4. In the Guide properties view, set the List source property to Entity.employees.

  5. In the Guide properties view, set the List text property to the model property to display in the drop-down list at run time. For example, select firstName.

  6. In the Guide Tree view, select the root node of the Guide. In the Guide Properties view, specify the location of the sample data file to use in the Sample data property.

  7. Save the Guide, and the click Preview in the editor.

When the Guide renders in the browser, click the Employee drop-down list and select a name. Notice that the First Name, Last Name, and Address fields update with the corresponding values from the sample data file.

If you want to display a customized value in the drop-down list, for example lastname, firstname, create a derived property in the model. Once ready, set the value of the List text property for the drop-down list equal to the name of the derived property.

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