storeContent operation (deprecated)

Stores or updates content and its metadata.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties.

Input properties

Properties of the content to store.

Store Name

A string value that represents the name of the store where the content is located.

If you provide a literal value, select the name from the list. Currently, only SpacesStore is available.

Space Path

A string value that represents a fully qualified path or a unique node ID of the space where the contents is stored. The path must start from the root location (for example, /Company Home/User Home/).

If you provide a literal value, either type the path or click Browse to select the content node.

Node Name

A string value that represents the name of the content to create or update.

Node Type

A string value that represents the type of content to store or update.

If you provide a literal value, select content.

Node Content

A document value that specifies the content to store.

If you provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button to open the Select Asset dialog box. Then, select the asset to store. (See About Select Asset). To remove the value listed in the box, click the clear value button .

Node Encoding

A string value that represents the content node encoding. The default encoding is UTF-8.

Update Version Type

(Optional) An UpdateVersionType value that specifies how the content version changes when the content is updated. This property is ignored when the content is not versioned or when the versionable aspect is not specified.

If you specify a literal value, select one of the following options:

Increment Major Version:
The content’s major version number is incremented.

Increment Minor Version:
(Default) The content’s minor version number is incremented.

Keep Same Version:
The content’s version is not changed.

Aspects List

(Optional) A list value that specifies the names of the attribute collections (aspects) to be applied to the content.

If you provide a literal value, click the box beside each aspect that you want to select. Selecting an aspect also selects all its attributes. To select individual attributes for an aspect, click the box beside each attribute. After making the selection, click Update. To clear your selection, click Clear.

The following aspects are available:

Adobe PDF Form Data:
Attributes of a PDF document that is created as a result of filling a form. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The link to the PDF form.

The name of the PDF form.

The version of the PDF form.

Associate Documents:
Creates a link between two or more PDF documents.

Used for assigning categories to a content item.

For internal use only.

Document Consumer:
Attributes of the process that consumed the document. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The name of the process.

The ID of the process.

The task ID of the process.

Document Modifier:
Attributes of the process that modified the document. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The name of the process.

The ID of the process.

The task ID of the process.

Document Producer:
Attributes of the process that created the document. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The name od the process.

The ID of the process.

The task ID of the process.

Dublin Core:
Basic document attributes to be added to the Document Details view for a content item. For internal use only.

Attributes related to the document effectivity period to be added to the Document Details view for a content item. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The starting date for the period the document is in effect.

The end date for the period the document is in effect.

Attributes related to the Email Data section to be added to the Document Details view for a content item. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The receiver of the email.

Multiple receivers of the email.

The sender of the email.

The date the document was emailed.

The subject line for the email.

LiveCycle Resource Metadata:
Metadata attributes of the PDF file. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The name of the application.

Keywords describing the PDF file

The name of the author.

The subject of the PDF file.

Process Attributes:
The status of the process (active or inactive).

Repository Reference:
References to documents that are stored in a native repository. The following attributes can be selected individually:
A path in the native repository.

A MIME type of the referenced document.

Rights Managed:
The attributes of the rights-protected document. The following attributes can be selected individually:
Nod ID of the document.

License ID assigned by the Policy Server.

The name of the policy protecting the document.

The name of the policy set containing the policy.

The Summary property to be added to the Document Details view for a content item.

The properties of the last template applied to the node.

Content has a title and a description.

A new version number is assigned to content item each time it is edited (checked out and checked back in, or updated).

XDP Document:
An XDP document that is used to render the XDP forms present in the LiveCycle repository. The following attributes can be selected individually:
The full path to the folder containing the submitted form data.

Repository Reference:
The path in the LiveCycle repository.

The version of the XDP document in the LiveCycle repository.

XDP Document Data:
An XML data document for the XDP document. The XML document is created when the user submits a form.
Note: The list of aspects may also contain custom aspects that are created for custom namespaces.

Attribute Map

(Optional) A map value that specifies the attributes of content.

The Attributes Map table is populated with the attributes selected in the Aspects List. For each attribute, the table shows the following values:

Attribute Name: T
he name of the attribute to apply to content. The list of available names depends on the content specified in Node ID/Path and the aspects selected in Aspects List.

Attribute Type:
The data type of the selected attribute.

Attribute Value:
The value for the attribute. Click the ellipsis button  to open XPath Builder, where you can select a process variable or provide a string value.
Note: The date-time attribute must be configured in the yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' format. Otherwise, a parsing exception occurs, an error is logged, and the attribute is set to the current date.

Output properties

Node ID

A string value that contains the unique identifier of the stored or updated content.

Browse Link

A string value that contains the URL of the store or updated content. This URL allows for the direct access to the content.

Store Content Result

A CRCResult (deprecated) value that represents the attributes of the stored content.

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