
A complex data type that stores the results of the invokeDDX operation operation that the Assembler service provides. It contains the successful document, the documents described by the DDX file (including PDF document attachments, if specified), throwable exceptions that occurred during the process, and the audit list.

An audit list is provided as a document value that is accessed using the Job Log data item.

The setting of the failOnError data item (an input option passed using an AssemblerOptionSpec data type) determines what occurs if exceptions occur when an Assembler service operation runs.

  • When the failOnError data item is set to True (default) and an exception occurs, the operation throws the exception. If the thrown exception is caught, it can be extracted from the Job Log.

  • When the failOnError data item is set to False and an exception occurs, the exception is not thrown. Instead, the operation completes normally and the exception is accessible from the throwables data item and seen in the Job Log. If more than one result block exists and some result blocks succeed and some fail, you will see values in both the throwables and documents data items, and also the exceptions in the Job Log.

For more information about DDX elements, see the DDX Reference.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

Data items

The data items that AssemblerResult variables contain.


A map of string values that contains the successful documents described by the result blocks in the DDX file. The key is a logical name for the document and the value is the file name of the document.

The logical name depends on the results:

  • If the result is a single document, the logical name is the value of the result attribute. For example, if the DDX file contained <PDF result="doc1.pdf">, the logical name would be doc1.pdf.

  • If the result is multiple documents that come from either a <PackageFiles> or a <FileAttachments> result element, then the logical document name is the last portion of a name after the last slash (/) if a path is specified. For example, if the document path provided is /dirABC/ABC.pdf, specify the XPath expression [documents][@id='ABC.pdf'] as a key to retrieve the document value, where [documents] is the name of a map variable.

  • If the result is multiple from disassembling with the <PDFsFromBookmarks> element, then the logical name is the prefix attribute.

Note: Logical names for attachments are created by the Assembler service. You can access the list of names from the successfulDocumentNames data item.


A list of stringvalues that contains the names of the result blocks that failed.


A document value that contains the job log that was generated during the execution of the DDX.


A numeric value that represents the numeric portion form the last page stamped with a Bates number.


A map of string values that contains the result block names. Each name is mapped to a list of document names produced by that result block.


An int value that represents the number of result blocks in the DDX.


A list of string values that contains the names of the result blocks that were successful.


A list of string values that contains the names of the documents that were successful.

Note: The Assembler service creates unique names for attachments using the naming scheme of [filename of source document]_attach.[page of attachment].[index of attachment on a page] where:

[file name of source document] is based on the following rules:

  • The file name of the source document. If a URL was provided, the last segment after the last slash in a URL is used. For example, for the URL of, the file name ABC.pdf is used.

  • The document name from the last path segment of the PDF source attribute in the DDX file.

[page of attachment] is the page number on which the attachment appears in the source document. For example, if an attachment appears on page 7, the value would be 0007.

[index of attachment on page] is the index number of the attachment. This value is important when more than one attachment appears on a page. For example, if two attachments appear on a page, the first one has a value of 0001 and the second one has a value of 0002.

For example, if a source document named PDF123.pdf had two attachments on the first page and one attachment on the third page, the names of the attachments would be PDF123.pdf_attach.0001.0001, PDF123.pdf_attach.0001.0002, and PDF123.pdf_attach.0003.0001.


A map of string values that contains the exceptions that were generated during execution of the DDX. The key in the map is the result block name in the failedBlockNames attribute. This data item is available only when you set the failOnError data item to a value of False. The failOnError data item is an input option passed using an AssemberOptionSpec.

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