
A string value that represents the type of PDF to generate. TransformationFormat variables are used to configure the Transformation Format property for the generatePDFOutput operation (deprecated), generatePDFOutput operation, and transformPDF operation of the Output service.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

TranformationFormat data values store one of these string values:

A non-interactive PDF document is created.

A non-interactive PDF/A document is created. The PDF/A value specifies a W3C Archive Standard PDF/A document that can be used for archiving purposes. It also embeds all the fonts as well as turns off compression.

Datatype specific settings

Property for specifying the format for generating a PDF document:

Default value

Sets the default format for generating the PDF document. Select one of these values:

A non-interactive PDF document is created.

A non-interactive PDF/A document is created. The PDF/A value specifies standard for archiving purposes which embeds the fonts and turns off compression.

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