Verify the following application server settings before
you contact Adobe Enterprise Support:
Transaction timeout: 300
Initial heap size: at least 1024
Maximum heap size: 2048 MB
Prepared statement cache: 100
Database connection pool maximum:
Database connection pool minimum:
Connection pool maximum connections: 50
See also
Troubleshooting Error Messages
Configuring Solaris 10 memory requirementsMake the following memory configurations to avoid StuckThread
issues on a Solaris environment:
Modify the rlim values:Locate and open the /etc/system file.
Locate and modify the rlim values as follows:
set rlim_fd_cur:
The initial (soft) maximum number of file descriptors per process.
Set this value to 8192 or more.
set rlim_fd_max: The
hard maximum number of file descriptors per process. Set this value
to 8192 or more. (This modification is required
only if the default value is lower than 8192). You must have super
user privileges to change this value.
Note: The rlim_fd_max value
must be equal to or greater than the rlim_fd_cur value.
Save and close the file.
Restart your computer.
Add additional swap space:Increase the swap space so that the total swap
space limit exceeds twice the total RAM amount. For example, if
you have 8 GB of RAM, configure the swap space to exceed 16 GB.
Restart the computer if required.
Verify the updated settings:Launch a new shell.
Type ulimit -n and press Enter.
Verify the value returned matches the rlim values
you have set.
Type swap -s and press Enter.
Verify the value returned matches the new swap space value.
If any of the values fail to match the updated settings, ensure
you have performed the steps as described and restart your computer.