To remove a
digital signature from a signature field, perform the following
Include project files.
Create a Signature client.
Get the PDF document that contains a signature to remove.
Remove the digital signature from the signature field.
Save the PDF document as a PDF file.
Include project files
Include necessary files into your development
project. If you are creating a client application using Java, then
include the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services,
then make sure that you include the proxy files.
The following
JAR files must be added to your project’s classpath:
adobe-utilities.jar (required if LiveCycle is deployed
on JBoss)
jbossall-client.jar (required if LiveCycle is deployed
on JBoss)
For information about the location of
these JAR files, see Including LiveCycle Java library files.
Create a Signature client
Before you can programmatically perform
a Signature service operation, you must create a Signature service
Get the PDF document that contains a signature to remove
remove a signature from a PDF document, you must obtain a PDF document
that contains a signature.
Remove the digital signature from the signature field
To successfully
remove a digital signature from a PDF document, you must specify
the name of the signature field that contains the digital signature.
Also, you must have permission to remove the digital signature;
otherwise, an exception occurs.
Save the PDF document as a PDF file
After the Signature service
removes a digital signature from a signature field, you can save
the PDF document as a PDF file so that users can open it in Acrobat or
Adobe Reader.