How Reader Extensions works

Most of the complexity of Reader Extensions is hidden from those who interact with the rights-enabled PDF documents or selects usage rights through the web-based application. However, before you implement LiveCycle, it is important to understand how Reader Extensions works.

The following illustration and list below provide an example of how Reader Extensions works:

  1. A developer selects the usage rights by using any of these methods and uploads the document to the LiveCycle server:

    • Accesses the web-based application provided with Reader Extensions

    • Adds the Reader Extensions service in a process created in Reader Extensions

    • Uses the APIs provided with the LiveCycle SDK

  2. Reader Extensions adds the selected usage rights to the document.

  3. The rights-enabled PDF document is available.

  4. When end users open the rights-enabled document using Adobe Reader, they can interact with the document according to the usage rights added to it.

  5. End users can sign and submit the document electronically. OR, they can forward the document to others who can interact with the document according to the embedded usage rights.

  6. If the PDF document is returned to the originating enterprise, the enterprise applications extract the updated information.

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