Two-dimensional barcodes

With Reader Extensions, you can add one-dimensional and two-dimensional barcodes to interactive PDF forms. You can then publish the barcoded forms to a website or distribute them by email or CD. When a user fills a barcoded form by using Adobe Reader or Acrobat, the barcode is updated automatically to encode the user-supplied form data. The user can submit the form electronically or print it on paper and submit it by mail or fax. You can later extract the user-supplied data as part of a LiveCycle process. This is accomplished by routing the data to the appropriate business processes based on the form type or the data itself.

Barcoded forms can eliminate the need for optical character recognition (OCR)-based forms processing and the attendant costs of manual data entry. Data captured from fill-and-print barcoded forms can be reinserted into your electronic process quickly and automatically with 100% accuracy. Furthermore, you can retain a digital image of the submitted signed form for archiving purposes.

Key features

Reader Extensions 2D barcodes offer the following key features:

  • Provides a unified approach for both paper and digital forms processing

  • Automates the extraction and translation of barcoded data into core IT processes

  • Supports barcodes encoded as XML, tab-delimited, or other user-defined formats

The following illustration and list below provides an example of how 2D barcodes work.

  1. Your organization’s form author creates an interactive barcoded PDF form using Designer or Acrobat Professional.

  2. Using the Reader Extensions web application, a user applies usage rights to the barcoded PDF form.

  3. The user electronically publishes the barcoded form through the web, email, or as a CD.

  4. The end user opens the barcoded PDF form in Adobe Reader or Acrobat and fills the form. As the user fills the form, the user’s data is automatically encoded in the barcode.

  5. a) For a paper submission, the user prints and signs the form, and mails or faxes the form to your organization.

    b) For an electronic submission, the user clicks a submit button to submit the form data electronically.

  6. a) For a paper submission, when the completed form is received, your organization scans the form into an electronic image. The Barcoded Forms service locates the barcode on the scanned image, decodes it, and extracts the data into your specified format.

    b) For an electronic submission through the Submit by Email button, the data, other than the barcode data, is directly submitted to the processing center as XML.

    Note: The Barcoded Forms service can decode a PDF file that was saved in Acrobat when the file is directly submitted to the decoder in the same way a scanned TIFF file is submitted.

Authoring barcoded forms

Form authors create the forms by using Designer or Acrobat Professional. In the authoring phase, the form author can specify any format to encode the data in the barcode, such as XML or tab-delimited characters.

In Designer, form authors create an interactive PDF form from scratch or by using a form template. Form authors can drag images and other objects, such as list boxes, text fields, command buttons, and barcodes onto the form. They can then resize and position the images and objects to suit your organization’s requirements.

Designer provides more advanced features that let form authors use scripting objects, integrate a form with a data source, and create forms with a flowable layout. One advantage of authoring forms using Designer is that form authors are working directly in the form’s source.

If the forms authored in Acrobat Professional have many custom scripts attached to the form objects, save time and effort by adding barcodes to the forms.

Creating a process

Developers can optionally create a process by using Workbench to include business processes specific to Reader Extensions. When integrated with other modules by using processes designed in Workbench, a single unified forms process can easily support different paper form submissions, each with their own specific workflow. (See also Installing LiveCycle Workbench 11)

Adding barcoded forms usage rights for Adobe Reader

Your organization must add barcoded forms usage rights to a PDF document before publishing the form to your customers. These usage rights activate the barcode data so that any commercial barcode decoder can read the barcode on the PDF form. Without extending the PDF form’s usage rights with the barcoded forms usage right, the barcode will be illegible to all decoders, including those provided by Adobe.

In addition to the barcoded forms usage rights, the following functionality is enabled on the form:

  • Saving completed or partially completed forms locally for offline filing and archiving

  • Adding comments to and routing forms through email for third-party reviews

  • Applying digital signatures to authorize applications or transactions

  • Submitting form data electronically

Adobe Reader 8.0 and later does not require additional software or plug-ins to work with PDF documents enabled by Reader Extensions.

These special user capabilities are automatically activated when a rights-enabled PDF document is opened within Adobe Reader. When the user finishes working with a rights-enabled document, those functions are once again disabled in Adobe Reader. They remain disabled until the user receives another rights-enabled PDF document.

Usage rights are granted on a per-form basis or a per-document basis and do not apply to any other form or document. Adobe licenses the barcoded forms usage right based on the number of consumers of the form.

Updating barcodes during form completion

When a user fills a barcoded form electronically using Adobe Reader or Acrobat, the barcode is automatically updated with the user-supplied information.

Note: If a user fills a barcoded form using an earlier version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader that does not support barcodes, a gray rectangle replaces the barcode. A gray rectangle indicates that the barcode cannot be updated. It also ensures that form processors do not process barcoded forms inadvertently in situations where the barcode does not accurately reflect the form’s user-supplied data.

Decoding barcodes to extract barcode data

The process at your forms processing center can affect your ability to successfully process and decode barcodes from barcoded forms. Key steps in processing barcoded forms include preparing documents, capturing data from barcodes, and routing captured data to enterprise systems.

The process of capturing data from a barcode varies depending on the type of device you use to process a barcoded form. You can select from the following options:

  • Document scanner and the Barcoded Forms service

  • Fax server and the Barcoded Forms service

The Barcoded Forms service locates the barcode on the scanned image (in TIFF or PDF), decodes it, and extracts the data in the specified format. The extracted data can then be used by another module such as Forms as part of a business process. For example, Forms can regenerate the original form automatically with the data the user entered or import the data into a blank form. This completes the digital-to-paper-to-digital cycle (round-trip).

Processing captured barcode data

Using the process you created, LiveCycle can automatically forward captured form data to the appropriate enterprise processing application. Because you can specify the data format in the authoring phase, moving form-based data across multiple enterprise applications is effortless. You can also archive data for visual presentation months or years later exactly as it was entered into the original PDF form.

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