Using page sets to control single-sided and double-sided printing in a form

For forms intended for printing, you can specify single-sided or double-sided printing for each page set in the form design.

Note: Specifying single-sided or double-sided printing is recommended for form designs intended for printing, including PCL and Postscript.

For example, you may want to create a form design to be used to generate a preprint and plain copy form. A preprint form is a form that is printed on paper that already has items printed on it. A plain copy form is a form that is printed on blank paper.

For this example, you create five master pages that are combined into page sets. You can specify which page sets print single-sided and which ones print double-sided.

Contains the title page information and is used in the first page in the page set and prints single sided. MasterPage1 includes a page break in a subform that allows printing to transition to the PrePrint page set.

The paper that the preprint form is printed on contains the company logo and contact information. This master page leaves room for that information outside the content area. A small content area follows next to receive employee-specific information. It occurs once for the preprint form and therefore is assigned as the first page in the second page set. The second page set requires double-sided printing.

Has a larger content area, possibly covering the whole page, to receive more information. It is used for the second and subsequent pages of the preprint form. It is assigned the Rest of Pages placement option in the second page set. MasterPage3 includes a page break in a subform that allows printing to transition to the PlainCopy page set.

Has the company logo and contact information first, outside the content area. A small content area follows next to receive employee-specific information. It occurs once for the plain copy form and therefore is assigned as the first page in the third page set. The third page set also requires double-sided printing.

Has a larger content area, possibly covering the whole page, to receive more information. It is used for the second and subsequent pages of the plain copy form. It occurs 0 to infinite times. It is assigned the Rest of Pages placement option in the second page set.

The master pages are grouped into page sets:

  • The Main page set is set to print single-sided.

  • The PrePrint page set is set to print double-sided.

  • The PlainCopy page set is set to print double sided.

The form is rendered according to the order of the page set in the hierarchy:

  • The first subform is always placed on MasterPage1.

  • The next subform is placed on MasterPage2 and then MasterPage3 if the form is a preprint form, or on MasterPage4 and then MasterPage5 if the form is a plain copy form.

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