To specify the master page placement in a page set

Form designs contain at least one page set. For forms intended for printing, you need to specify where in the page set the master page is used; for example, in the first printed page, the last printed page, or the printed pages in between.

Note: The first page in the root page set cannot be blank; it must contain a content area.

In addition, for form designs that contain more than one page set, you must specify a break in a subform for printing to transition from one page set to the next.

Note: Specifying master page placement is not relevant for form designs that are based on setting minimum and maximum page-occurrence values.

The Only Page (in Page Set) option is useful when the rendered form can be printed on one side of a printed page. For example, although the data fits on one printed page in the form below, two pages are printed because there is a master page for the first printed page and a master page for the last printed page in the page set. In the example, the header information appears on the first_page master page and the footer information on the last_page master page.

To prevent two pages from being printed when everything can fit on one page, create a master page and select the Only Page (in Page Set) option. Whenever the data of the rendered form fits on one side of a printed page, this master page is used.

  1. In the Hierarchy palette, under the Master Pages node, select the master page you want to place.

  2. In the Object palette, click the Pagination tab.

  3. In the Placement list, select the placement of the master page.

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