Changing the tabbing order

After examining the default tabbing order, you may decide that you need a different sequence for some of the objects on the form. For example, if you have two groups of address fields situated side-by-side, you may want to tab through the fields in the first group before moving to the second group.

You change the position of an object in the tabbing order by moving the object up or down in the Tab Order palette list. You can move a single object or a group of objects. When you move the object to a new place in the order, Designer reassigns the numbers to accommodate the object in its new place.

For example, you have four objects on the page, which are arranged in the following layout.

Therefore, their default tabbing order will be as shown in this illustration.

You may want to change this tabbing order to a more logical one, such as First Name, Last Name, Telephone, Email. All you have to do is move the LastName object one position up in the list. The tabbing order numbers are reassigned to reflect this move.

Tabbing order reorganized

Although the tabbing order for the objects on the master page and the objects inside a fragment are displayed on the form, you cannot change the order for these objects on the Design View tab. For the master page objects, click the Master Pages tab and customize the tabbing order. (See Changing the tabbing order on master pages). For the fragments, open the required fragment and change the order inside the fragment. (See To change the tabbing order in fragments).

If your form has more than one page, the tabbing order for each page starts at the number 1, and you can change the order only inside each page.

Before you change the tabbing order, you should prepare your working area in the following way:

  1. Select Window > Tab Order. The Tab Order palette appears on the left side of the working area.

  2. Click Show Order and then select Custom.

    The tabbing order numbers displayed on the form are now inside blue squares Number inside a blue square. This square visually indicates that you are now in custom tabbing mode and can change the position of one or more objects in the tabbing sequence.

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