Instead of moving individual
objects to their new location within the tabbing order, you can
move a group of objects all at once. This method works only for the
objects that are positioned in sequence in the list of objects.
If you have a selection of objects that are scattered throughout
the list, you must make them sequential first and then move the
After you select a group of sequentially ordered objects, you
move the group to a new location in the tabbing order by using the
same methods you used for moving a single object.
To select a sequential group of objects using the mouse
In the Tab Order palette list, click the first object in
the sequence.
Press Shift and click the last object in the sequence.
To select a sequential group of objects using the keyboard
In the Tab Order palette list, click the first object in
the sequence.
Press Shift+Down Arrow or Shift+Up Arrow until all objects
in the sequence are selected.
To change a group of individually selected objects to a sequential group
In the Tab Order palette list, click the
first object and then press Ctrl and click each object that you
want to select.
In the palette menu, select Make Sequential. The selected
objects are moved together into a sequentially ordered group.
To change the order to geographic (left-to-right)
In the Tab Order palette list, select the objects in the
In the Tab Order palette menu, select, Make Geographic.
To change the geographic order to right-to-left
In the Tab Order palette list, select the objects in the
In the Tab Order palette menu, select, Make Geographic Right-To-Left.