Excluding text and image objects from the tabbing order

You can exclude text and image objects from the tabbing order to improve usability and flow of the tabbing on the form.

For example, on the form below, the user will need to tab through the title of the form (Purchase Order) before reaching the P.O. Date field.

If the text and image objects are excluded from the tabbing order, the tabbing flow on this form will change to include only the fields that require user input or action.

Excluding text and image objects from the tabbing order is not recommended if one or more of the following is true for your form:

  • Your form will be used with a screen reader.

  • Your form contains hyperlinks inside the text objects.

You can exclude the text and image objects for both the default and the custom tabbing order.

To exclude text and image objects

 Do one of the following actions:
  • Select Tools > Options > Tab Order and, in the Tab Order panel, select Only Show Tab Order For Fields.

  • In the Tab Order palette menu, select Show Fields Only.

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