Using XML encryption

Designer provides W3C XML standard encryption to secure the contents of forms during electronic transmission.

Applying XML encryption to form content ensures data integrity and allows information to travel securely. For example, you can use XML encryption to secure the information in financial or health care forms where the data being transmitted is private or sensitive.

You apply XML encryption to either the form data or the entire submission, including attachments. You can select encryption options like the encryption algorithm to use, the public encryption certificates to encrypt for, and the key usage criteria to use when filtering for public encryption certificates

You can use these three library objects to submit encrypted form content: Button, Email Submit Button, and HTTP Submit Button. For example, you can add an Email Submit Button to a form, and configure it to encrypt the form data when the user clicks the button to e-mail the form.

Note: When you add a button to a form to submit encrypted form content, ensure that the target version for the form is set to Acrobat and Adobe Reader 10.0 or later. Also, to work with forms that contain encrypted data, form fillers require Acrobat or Adobe Reader 10 or later. (See Defaults (Form Properties dialog box).

To apply XML encryption to form content using a button

  1. Add a Button object to the form design. See To add objects to a form design.

  2. In the Object palette, click the Field tab.

  3. In the Control Type area, select Submit. Data is submitted according to the settings in the Submit tab.

  4. Click the Submit tab, and in the Submit to URL box, type the URL protocol.


    Use this URL protocol


    Submit the package to an ftp site


    Submit the package to a web server



    Submit the package to a secure web server



    Note: When submitting data to a URL, it is recommended that you specify an absolute target. Relative targets are interpreted relative to the user environment, which can vary from one user to the next at runtime.
  5. In the Submit As list, select XML Data Package (XDP), PDF, or XML Data (XML).

    These formats initiate server-side processing. The XML Data Package (XDP) option submits the form data and optionally includes other information, such as the form design, annotations, and signatures, that is needed for Forms to later render the form at runtime. Attachments can be included with XDP files only.

  6. (Optional) To apply a signature to the submitted data, select Sign Submission and then click Settings to select optional signature settings.

  7. (Optional) To apply XML encryption to the form content, select Encrypt Submission, and then click Settings to select optional encryption settings.

  8. (XDP only) In the Include area, select the types of attachments to include:

    • To include review comments, tool tips, and any other special tags that are required to capture screen reader text, select Annotations.

    • To include a PDF version of the form (including signatures) when it is submitted as an attachment, select PDF (Includes Signatures). Otherwise, a reference to an embedded PDF file is included.

    • To include a copy of the form design, select Template.

    • To include one or more <xdp> elements in the XDP source file, select Other. Separate the specified elements with commas. White space is optional. For example: xci, xslt, sourceset.

  9. (XDP and XML Data) In the Data Encoding list, select one of the data encoding schemes:

    • UTF-8

    • UTF-16

    • Shift_JIS

    • Big5

    • GBK

    • KSC_5601

To apply XML encryption to form content using an email submit button

  1. Add an Email Submit Button object to the form design. See To add objects to a form design.

  2. In the Object palette, click the Field tab.

  3. In the Email Address box, type the e-mail address you want to submit the PDF to.

  4. (Optional) In the Email Subject box, type a subject line for the e-mail message.

  5. In the Submit As list, select PDF or XML Data (XML).

  6. (Optional) To apply a signature to the submitted data, select Sign Submission in the Field tab and then click Settings to select optional signature settings.

  7. (Optional) To apply XML encryption to form content, select Encrypt Submission, and then click Settings to select optional encryption settings.

To apply XML encryption to form content using an HTTP submit button object

  1. Add an HTTP Submit Button object to the form design. See To add objects to a form design.

  2. In the Object palette, click the Field tab.

  3. In the URL box, type the URL that the form data will be posted to.

  4. Select Encrypt Submission, and click Settings.

  5. In the Encrypt Data And Submit Settings dialog box, select options as needed. See Encrypt Data and Submit Settings dialog box.

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