Deploying and configuring a LiveCycle application

Before you start this module, ensure that you completed the tasks in Creating a process using Workbench.

When you deploy a LiveCycle application, the processes in the application become available as services. A service has endpoints that permit you to invoke it. Endpoints are created using the start points specified in the process diagram. Default start points create Java EJB, Web Service (SOAP), Remoting, and REST endpoints that permit you to invoke a process programmatically. When you add a Workspace start point to your process diagram, a LiveCycle - Task Manager endpoint is created after you deploy the LiveCycle application.

When a LiveCycle application is first deployed, only user profiles configured with the Application Administrator role can invoke the service. To configure the security for a service, use Applications and Services in Administration Console. a production environment administrators manage the security for LiveCycle applications.

In this module, you will deploy your LiveCycle application. After the LiveCycle application is deployed, it becomes a service that you will configure. To learn how to deploy your LiveCycle application and configure the security for a service, complete these tasks in the following order:

Note: To deploy your LiveCycle application to different LiveCycle servers for testing, move your LiveCycle application before you deploy it. (See Moving a LiveCycle application.)

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