Configuring security on a service using Administration Console

Although you can deploy a LiveCycle application in Workbench, you cannot test the endpoints when the users who access Workspace do not have Super Administrator, Application Administrator, or Workspace User privileges. End users typically do not have administrator privileges. To make your test environment more realistic, configure users profiles with the same privileges that you would provide in a typical production environment.

To permit users to invoke a service, especially if the users are in separate domains, configure access by using Applications and Services in Administration Console. In addition to configuring security on a service, Applications and Services permits you to complete these tasks:

  • Manage or archive LiveCycle files

  • Manage the categories displayed in Workspace

  • Configure endpoints

Note: When the LiveCycle application is redeployed, endpoint settings that you configure in Applications and Services are reset to the values specified by the Workspace start point. However, security settings remain unchanged. Service security settings are removed if you undeploy the LiveCycle application.

Configure security on the FirstApp/PreLoanProcess service

  1. Log in to Administration Console using a web browser. Type the URL http://[server]:[port]/adminui, where [server] represents the network name of the LiveCycle server and [port]represents the port number of the LiveCycle server. For example, type http://livecycleserver:8080/adminui.

  2. Press Enter. The Administration Console login page appears.

  3. On the Administration log screen, complete these steps:

    • In the User ID box, type atanaka.

    • In the Password box, type password.

    • Click Login.

    It is recommended that you use the Akira Tanaka (atanaka) user profile for this tutorial. (See Understanding the sample environment). If you use a different user profile, you can use it instead of the Akira Tanaka user profile.

  4. On the Administration Console home page, click Services > Applications and Services > Service Management.

  5. On the Service Management page, in the Category list, select FirstApp, and then click Filter.

  6. In the filtered results, click FirstApp/PreLoanProcess:1/0.

  7. On the Configure FirstApp/PreLoanProcess page, click the Security tab.

  8. Click Add Principal.

  9. On the Select Principal page, click the All Principals In Domain SampleOrganization, PublicationsGroup link. (You may need to click Next to see this link.)

  10. Select INVOKE_PERM and click Add.

    The Configure FirstApp/PreLoanProcess page looks like this illustration after All Principals In Domain SampleOrganization, PublicationsGroup is added.

    View full size graphic
    Configure security on endpoint.
  11. Click Save and click Logout.

You have configured your service so that all users who are part of the SampleOrganization, PublicationsGroup domain can invoke the PreLoanProcess service.

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