Deploying a LiveCycle application using Workbench

Before you deploy a LiveCycle application, check in all the assets to upload them to the LiveCycle server. Checking in the assets ensures that when you deploy your LiveCycle application, it is using the most recent version of the assets.

Note: If you have assets checked out, you are prompted to check them in. Select Check In All Files and click OK.

Deploy a LiveCycle application

 In Workbench, in the Applications view, right-click FirstApp > FirstApp/1.0 and select Deploy.

After you deploy your LiveCycle application, FirstApp/1.0 appears with a small, horizontal, green arrow on it as shown in this illustration.

Deploy an application.

The process that you created becomes activated as a service. Endpoints are created after you deploy your LiveCycle application. A LiveCycle - Task Manager endpoint is created because a Workspace start point exists on the process diagram.

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