Using the Manage Assets user interface

The Manage Assets user interface lists assets contained within the Correspondence Management implementation by department.

A department the solution, is similar to a folder on your disk. You can create as many departments in your solution as required. Within a department you can add assets and work with assets. Similar to a folder on your disk, a department helps to organize the assets in your solution instance. For example, you might add departments for Human Resources, Accounting, etc. You then add and work with the assets in each of these departments. In addition, the system administrator can assign users specific to a department.

By default, in the solution contains the Correspondence management department. If you do not plan to create more departments, you can add and work with all your assets within the default department. However, you can choose to create as many more custom department as you require. For details on how to add departments, see Adding departments to the Manage Assets user interface.

Note: You cannot copy or move assets from one department to another.
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Manage Assets user interface
The table contains the list of assets contained in the default Correspondence management department (see the drop-down list in the upper right corner) and their associated properties:
  • Name: the name of the asset

  • Comment: any comment associated to the asset

  • Description: the description of the asset

  • Updated by: the name of the last person who updated the asset

  • Status: an asset’s status is Modified, Ready To Publish and Published

  • Version: the version of the asset.

The Manage Assets toolbar contains a list of buttons which perform various tasks related to assets:

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Manage Assets User Interface Toolbar

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