Searching for assets

By default, when you log in to the Manage Assets user interface, the application retrieves all of the assets in the currently selected view. You can further refine the search by using the Basic or Advanced search features.

The Basic Search provides full text search on assets. By selecting the Advanced Search, you can filter on specific assets, names, descriptions, categories, subcategories, the status, and the person who last updated it. You can use the Basic and Advanced searches together to better filter your results. For example, if you search for Notice in a Basic search, you can then use the Advanced search to select only Text Modules that contain the text "Notice" text that you specified in the Basic Search.

Note: :The search toolbar allows you to search on names and other properties. However, when fields have different data and display values, display values cannot be used as search parameters since the search tool only searches data. For example, you cannot search on a status such as Modified or Published since these properties are stored as numeric values, rather than strings.

Perform an advanced search

  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface.

    If you have installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html. Log in using tgoldman as your user name and password as your password.

  2. Click the Advanced Search button to display the Advanced Search pod.

    View full size graphic
    Advanced Search

  3. Click the Advanced button to display the Advanced Search pod, where you can specify more search criteria. Specify the search criteria and click Search.

    View full size graphic
    Advanced Search Pod

Perform a basic search

  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface.

    If you have installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html. Log in using tgoldman as your user name and password as your password.

  2. Type part of the asset name in the search box and hit enter.

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